-40- Get Away (2/2)

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not really "get away" anymore is it lmao
More like come tf here
But I've already named something come here... FUCK

As Richie led Eddie to his house, which wasn't far away, Eddie began imagining things... Things his mother wouldn't have liked. He gasped, looking down at his fingers intertwined with Richie's. What if the contact let Richie read his mind!? He shook his head. That was stupid.

"We're here," Richie grinned, guiding Eddie into his empty house. "Ignore the cigarette butts," he laughed slightly. Some were his father's; some were his. The house smelled of cigarettes, but not overpoweringly. Eddie knew it was so germ-y and disgusting to come into Richie's house, and he also knew that smoking gave you cancer. Still, it wasn't that distracting from Richie, so he continued following Richie up the stairs.

"Are we going to your room?" Eddie asked, slightly timidly. Richie nodded, before stopping short.

"Are you... Okay with that?" he replied. He didn't want to scare Eddie away or anything. Eddie frowned in thought, thinking of how it could pan out... Then he realized he didn't care. He looked up into Richie's eyes, and grinned. As Eddie nodded yes, Richie smiled and opened the door.

"So, uh, my dad made me clean it last night... The only part that's a mess is my sheets," he laughed awkwardly. "Which is a change..." he added. Eddie looked around. It was a nice room, small but nice, and there was a single bed shoved into the far corner beside a desk. The walls were painted a dull blue, and there were no carpets.

Eddie looked wordlessly back into Richie's eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. Richie kissed back happily, wrapping his arms around Eddie and bringing him slowly to the wall for balance, as Eddie let him slip his tongue into the kiss. Eddie reached up to tangle his hand in Richie's hair, tugging it softly before combing his fingers down through it and laying his hand on Richie's chest.

His cheeks were bright and hot with blush. He'd never done anything like this before—only thought of doing it. And to be doing it with Richie? Good god, yes, thank you. Richie pulled away after a short while, grinning.

"So how is it?" he asked, panting. Eddie, whose breathing was also quickened, grinned as well.

"Do you really need to ask me that fuckin' question?" He laughed, and Richie joined him.

"I guess not," Richie replied, before going back in for another kiss. His lips planted softly, but firmly, on Eddie's, who made sure to take note of the feeling. Richie's lips were wide and slightly coarse, very inviting. They were warm and damp, and Eddie didn't even think of how many germs could get in his system through this. All he wanted to think about, and all he really could think about was the tingling sensation in his stomach and in his chest.

Not exactly love, pet se, although he felt that too, no doubt. Not arousal, exactly, although he might feel it soon... Some form of weird excitement and adrenaline. It felt good. Really good. It sort of felt like pop-rocks fizzing in his stomach, tickling his insides and making him feel all giggly and high.

Richie pulled away a second time, but as he stared into Eddie's eyes, the tingly feeling stayed in both of their chests.

"Eddie, next time, I promise I'll protect you," Richie said determinedly. Eddie smiled, the warm, fuzzy feeling coming to stand hand-in-hand with the tingles in his chest.

Richie was definitely a keeper.

Ok so yeah that was actually a lot of fun I fucking love describing feelings because I can kinda see them in colour and texture a lot of the time anyway, so yeah

Guys gimme requests, I need a bunch cause I have a 7 hour plane ride to San Diego on like Saturday or something, and I'm pretty close to done reading IT so I'll have lots of time to write :)

(Or just like prompts & shit you want to see written)

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