-78- Sucking Face & Carving Names

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Richie flicked his army knife open and shut. He'd just gotten it from the convenience store—one with a pair of scissors!—and he knew the first thing he'd do with it. In fact, it was one of the only reasons he'd gotten a knife in the first place (along with, of course, Henry. And looking cool as fuck). He hoped it'd be as therapeutic as he believed it would... he'd heard of real couples doing this, and pledging to last forever. He wasn't sure wether most of them really had but it was a nice thought, and it preserved a memory.

So, he would carve what he wanted to and be on his way—before anyone else could see him on the bridge. He couldn't risk them realizing what it symbolized. He'd probably get killed.

Richie turned the corner past the big white library building, and the kissing bridge was in his sights. There was, thankfully, nobody around. He hurried just slightly, adrenaline pumping through him. He knew this was honestly a dangerous thing to do. There was no way he could really make an excuse, he didn't know, or even know of, anyone else whose name would work as a replacement.

With a deep breath, he ran up onto the bridge, pulling the knife all the way out and holding it steadily in his fist. With one final glance around, he set to work, carving the outlines of the letters which he'd carve out afterwards. If he was going to risk it for this, might as well make it look nice.

Richie drew the outline of an R in big block letters, then a plus, then an E. He sat back on his heels and brushed off the paint that was peeling around them. Leaning back in, he began digging out the R.

It was honestly harder work than it looked, scraping the wood off, not only making it deep but controlling it so it would be legible. He scraped and scraped at it with the tip of the blade, tongue tucked firmly between his lips in concentration.

Someone stood at the edge of the bridge, library book in hand. He watched in painful silence as Richie worked at the wood, watched him move on from the big, fat R to the little plus sign. His hands shook, barely able to keep the library book in his grasp. He barely dared to breathe, didn't want Richie to know of his presence. So there he stood.

Richie sat back on his heels again, brushing away the wood and paint chips that stuck to the carving. It looked good so far, only one letter to go. Before he started it, however, he spared a glance around to be safe.

Richie's whole body jolted when he made eye contact with Eddie.

Oh, fuck.

Say something. Stop staring, it's been forever. Richie, you're acting suspicious. Say some-

"Hey there Eds, ol' pal," he forced a smile and saluted. What the FUCK was that?

Eddie hesitantly began to walk across the bridge towards Richie. His stomach churning, he came to look at the carving. "Hey, Richie... who, uh... who's the lucky girl?" he asked, not meeting Richie's eyes.

"N-no one? No wait, it's-it's– Her name is–"

"E?" Eddie asked, frowning. "I guess I don't know her, huh..."

"Yeah, uh, I-I guess you've never met her?"

"Wait, no, that's impossible... There's no girls in all of Derry whose names start with E, except aunt Edna..." he rolled his eyes. "I hate you."

"Edna?" Richie laughed. "That fat old fuck? Eddie come on, you can't possibly be that oblivious–" he choked to a stop, dropping the knife.

"What?" Eddie's grin faltered. "Oblivi–" when he looked back up, Richie was all the way off the bridge, walking in shame towards the centre of town.

"Fucking idiot," Eddie muttered. "Wait!" he ran after Richie, grabbing his wrist. Richie tried to wrestle free, but Eddie held tightly.

"Is it a girl at all?" he mumbled.

"Let me go," Richie grunted, still trying to escape.

"Richie, look at me," he pleaded. Slowly, Richie obliged, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. Quietly, Eddie asked again. "Is it a girl?"

Richie searched Eddie's eyes for a sign of malice. When he found none, he let out his breath and shook his head.

"C'mon," Eddie whispered. "Let's go carve that E."

Shocked, Richie just blinked at him for a couple of seconds. "I-I– y-yeah, let's go."

With a little smile, Eddie turned to start back towards the bridge. He didn't want Richie to see his face, the way his eyes welled with tears and spilled over or the way his skin got all blotchy and red.

"Go on," he mumbled, gesturing to the unfinished carving once they reached it.

There was a pause, a tension almost tangible between the two.

"Eddie?" Richie asked. "Are you crying?" Eddie just turned away, wiping his eyes. "Why? Why, what- what happened."

With an unattractive sniffle, he shook his head. "I don't know... it just hurts so much more when I know I could have had a chance."

Richie was dumbfounded. Absolutely in awe. "Incredible," he breathed.

"What?" Eddie snapped.

Despite himself, Richie began laughing. He laughed so hard he had to put a hand on his diaphragm, and the other to steady himself against the fence so that he wouldn't double over.

When his laughter died down a bit, he wiped his eyes and handed Eddie the knife. "Go ahead, stupid. After all, it's your name."

Eddie took the knife, frowning at it in confusion. "It's what?"

Richie just stared at him, waiting.

"Oh." Eddie's face began to brighten immediately, and he crouched down and scraped the E onto the fence. When he was done, and it looked a similar width to Richie's R, he looked up at the other.

"Here's your knife back," he breathed, stepping closer to hand it to him.

"Thanks," Richie murmured. "So... Off we go?"

Eddie looked at him for a minute more, eyes twinkling. "Well, I was thinking... um... there's a reason they call this the kissing bridge."

With a grand smile, and not even bothering to look around for other people, Richie tugged Eddie into his arms. With their faces just inches apart, Eddie shut his eyes and leaned up.

When their lips met, the world stopped.

It was short, but it was everything.


Thank you so much for the request !! I always appreciate it <3

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