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"I'm so stupid," Richie muttered, trying to finish his math homework. He simply couldn't get through the questions. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Rich, no, they're just hard questions," he assured softly. Richie shook his head.

"No! They're not! I know they're not, but I still don't know what the formula for v would be!" He yelled in frustration, throwing his pencil on the desk. Eddie's eyes widened in fear. Richie was scary.

"W-well, it's not too hard for you... You'll figure it out. Look, if x is the variable that we use for the radius, we have to multiply it by Pi, which is..." Eddie's voice faded into the background as Richie watched his lips move, and watched his face show the genuine concern he had for Richie's success. Eddie's brow was furrowed as he focused on pointing out the questions and the numbers. His explanation was probably a good one, but Richie was distracted, wishing he could kiss his best friend.

"Richie?" Eddie asked, snapping him out. "Richie! Are you even listening?" He groaned. Richie shook his head.

"Nope," Richie replied.

"God... Just please try to pay attention, okay?" Eddie groaned. Richie nodded, rolling his eyes. After a little more explaining, Richie finally understood the concept. He finished a few of the questions with low difficulty completing them, but on question five, he stopped. What the fuck?

"Do you get this one?" Eddie asked. Richie shook his head, laying his face in his hands and groaning in annoyance.

"I'm so dumb!" He yelled, giving up. "This is so boring!" He got up out of his chair, flopping down on Eddie's bed. Eddie rolled his eyes, walking over to Richie and lying down beside him. Richie looked over at Eddie's face, watching as he stared at the ceiling in silence.

"Richie, just try once more," Eddie tried.

"Eddie, could you–" Richie stopped.

"What?" Eddie looked at him.

"N-nothing. I don't want to work. There's nothing that you can do to make me," he huffed, shutting his eyes. He heard a soft shuffling, and soon felt Eddie's hot breath on his neck. Richie's eyes flew open to see Eddie, hands on either side of Richie's shoulders as he held himself over top of him. His face was dusted with pink, and he was grinning madly. Richie blushed brightly.

"E-Eds? Wh-what–" he was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on his, as Eddie lay down on top of him. Richie froze for a second, before composing himself and returning to his normal cocky facade. He flipped them over, pushing his tongue into Eddie's mouth and hoping he wasn't crossing a line. Eddie let him, wrapping his arms around Richie's neck.

He grinned, pushing off of Richie and wiping his mouth on his hand as he chuckled. Richie sat up, watching him with confusion. He looked so good, his hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed, but he wasn't kissing Richie anymore. Which sucked.

"Wha–" Richie began.

"Tell you what," Eddie interrupted him. "Every time you finish a question right, you can kiss me." Richie's eyes lit up. He shoved his body up off the bed, his feet carrying him quickly to plop him down in front of his textbooks.

He looked at the questions for a surprisingly short time, before jotting down a messy answer. Somehow, Eddie understood it, reading through and nodding in surprise.

"You're ri– mmph!" This time, Eddie was interrupted by a desperate kiss from Richie wanting all he could get. He wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck, pulling him closer for a deeper kiss, and Eddie's hand travelled up to tangle in Richie's short hair. Eddie pushed himself away again, laughing and panting. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand again, grinning.

"Next question," he coaxed. Richie rolled his eyes, yet again surprising Eddie with a fast response. Eddie looked Richie's sprawled writing over once more, nodding. He grinned, wondering how Richie knew this. Was he cheating? No, there was no way he could...

Eddie reached to grasp Richie's shirt collar, pulling their lips together as Richie's hands found their way to the back of Eddie's neck and to his hair. Eddie sat himself down in Richie's lap, kissing him more deeply.

Quickly, he pulled away.

"You have one more question to finish, Tozier." He got up off Richie's lap, making him whine and pick up his pencil to complete the last question. He took a short while longer, somewhat distracted by Eddie. His appearance, the thought of his lips, his eyes, his soft skin... Eddie's hair was a disheveled mess, so was Richie's and same with his glasses, but each one thought the other looked damn good like that.

When Richie finished the question, and he knew he was right, Eddie looked it over, seeing a little extra sentence sprawled in messy writing at the bottom. Richie watched intently for a reaction, as Eddie squinted to read what it said.

Go out with me?

Eddie grinned, pulling Richie into one last, long kiss and plopping down in his lap again. When they pulled away, leaning their foreheads on each other, Richie grinned.

"I'll take that as a definite no," he ironized. Eddie giggled.

"Definitely." He went serious quickly, an air of dangerous innocence playing at his features. "Richie... I know you're a smart guy if you put your mind to something... If you get an eighty percent or more on this upcoming math test, we can make out. If you don't... You can't kiss me until I say so."

Which probably wouldn't take too long, he reasoned, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold off long since he knew Richie could kiss like that. Especially being able to kiss him.

Richie's eyes widened.

"Yes sir," he frowned in determination. Eddie giggled.

"Cute, cute, cute!" He grinned.

"Hey! That's my line!" Richie cried. Eddie giggled again, laying another soft kiss on Richie's lips.

I must say, that kinda went to shit but it was a lot of fun to write lmao

I must say, part deux, that Eddie being a tease is my religion

I must say, part trois, wtf 100 reads already thx

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