-35- I Look Good in Stripes

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"Richard Tozier has been arrested for the sexual assault of best friend Eddie Kaspbrak." The TV stated loudly through the speakers in Eddie's living room, struggling to project over his sniffles. Mrs. Kaspbrak tutted.

"Finally. He should pay for what he did to you," she scolded.

"He didn't do anything, mom!" Eddie screamed at her, watching the police pull Richie into their car on the TV, Richie's head bowed obediently. Eddie's heart wrenched in hatred and sadness. Richie didn't deserve this, and he was taking it so well. They weren't quite sure how Eddie's mother had found out, and he'd denied it completely for the first week, but he gave up after that.

"He is a dirty, dirty boy and you shouldn't have even been talking to him anyway. It's just as well he finally did it. He's gone to jail now, and you had better stop worrying." She left, headed to the kitchen. Eddie screamed, throwing his water glass at the door and watching it shatter into pieces. He sobbed, wishing he could curl up and die. He paused.

Finally, something snapped inside of him. Eddie stood up, wiping his eyes and throwing the pillow he'd been crying into on the floor.

He stomped into the front hall, putting his shoes on and turning to the door. His mother was standing there, all two-hundred-plus pounds of her, frowning down at him.

"Just where do you think you're going?" she asked.

"I'm going to see Richie. And if you have any ounce of brains in the trillion ounces that make you up, you'll get the hell out of my way," he spat bitterly, using all the willpower he had not to punch her in the face. She frowned, getting mad.

"You take that back, you sick little queer, or you'll never leave the house again," she yelled. Eddie, in a fit of rage, shoved her aside with all his might, slamming the door open and walking out.

"I'll never need to leave again if I never come back again," he said, and his mother stood up, rushing after him as fast as she could. The tears came—these were always her last resort—but this time, they wouldn't work. Eddie had lost every shred of respect and of love for her, at least in that moment, and he ignored her wails completely, getting in his car and driving off to the jail.

He didn't know when visiting time was, but he swore to himself that no matter what they said, he'd have to see Richie every day at that time. He drove the long ride to the prison, stopping at the front gate to ask the people there when visiting hours were. They recognized him, no doubt.

"Why do you wanna be here? Isn't that guy who r–"

"Don't fucking say it!" He yelled, sniffing and cursing his mother under his breath. The guard cocked an eyebrow, but answered nonetheless.

"It's in one hour, sir. I suggest you go ba–"

"Is it okay if I wait here?" Eddie asked.

"Well, yes, but–"

"Then I'm waiting here." Eddie smiled, rolling up his window and pulling away from the front gate to park his car nearby. No radio, no books, no nothing, just simply his thoughts. They were loud enough on their own. What if Richie was mad at him? He frowned, hoping it wouldn't happen. Had it been rape? He had said yes, hadn't he?

Yes, Eddie reasoned. Yes, Richie said 'may I', and I nodded. Yes. That means yes.

And how the hell had his mother found out... Oh. The "evidence" she had was a condom wrapper (ew, mom) she had found while cleaning Eddie's room. And the fact that Eddie hadn't been able to walk quite right the day she got back from her trip with "the girls". And then, in court, Richie had admitted to having sex with Eddie—who, since he was still seventeen, was ordered silent by his mother. Talk about "you're ruining my life, mom".

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