-69- Get Away (2/2)

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Edit: so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just realized there's already a get away (2/2) and now I'm confused as fuck and I don't know what's real BUT I like this chapter (better than the other one) so I'm keeping it idk 😶 let's just call it Get Away (2/2) "New and Improved" for now
Edit 2: I am so fucking stupid holy shiT LMAO

chap 69 dudes I'm sure u know what's boutta go down

Shutting the door behind them, Eddie wasted no time in grabbing Richie by the collar to pull him down for a kiss. His heart jumped when he felt Richie's tongue brush against his lips and he let him in, feeling Richie place his hands on Eddie's hips. Eddie accidentally let an embarrassing noise slip from the back of his throat and felt Richie chuckle softly, pulling him closer. Eddie took this as the appropriate time to wrap his arms around Richie's neck.

They had quickly progressed to moderately intense making out and Richie bit Eddie's lip softly, making Eddie tense up and bite his tongue to keep from groaning again. He felt himself back up into a wall and leaned back against it, pulling away to breathe. Richie, however, didn't stop. He trailed a line of kisses down Eddie's jaw, to his neck, and began to work on a hickey.

He pulled away suddenly, covering his mouth and tilting Eddie's head to examine the little mark he made on his neck.

"Wh-what is it?" Eddie panted.

"Hickey," Richie pursed his lips and leaned off the wall, groaning and running his hand through his hair. "Fuck," he breathed.

"What? What's wrong— oh," he groaned, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"If-if Bowers was to see—" he interrupted himself when he saw Eddie shaking his head, still leaning against the wall, and grinning softly.

"My mom's got makeup," he whispered. "And when your lips look like that? I'm not wasting this." Eddie chuckled softly and wrapped his good arm around Richie's torso, pulling him in.

Brushing their lips together sparingly, Richie murmured, "I thought you don't want the power?"

Eddie turned red, feeling Richie's hot breath tumble over his lips, smelling just faintly of cigarettes. He kissed Richie once. "Well, I have to get control to lose it."

Richie grinned and locked their lips again, scraping his teeth lightly on Eddie's bottom lip. Eddie's breath suddenly whipped out of his lungs, just from that small gesture, and he gained it back slowly with a soft groan.

Richie pulled away, heaving a long sigh. "You're really hot, y'know that?"

Eddie giggled. "You got any food?"

Richie laughed and shrugged. "We might have some leftover pizza... and I think some microwave popcorn... oh! Movie?" Eddie's eyes brightened at the idea, and he nodded eagerly, still breathing heavily.

Richie grinned at him, lips still slightly swollen and red.

"Breakfast club, breakfast club, breakfast club," Eddie chanted softly.

"Why the breakfast club?" Richie laughed.

Eddie shrugged and smiled. "Cause I feel like it."

Richie chuckled, shaking his head. "You are hilarious, but I guess you're in luck." He held up the case with the breakfast club on it and flashed a small smouldering grin.

Eddie plopped down on the couch, grinning widely. "Sweet!"

"Go get the pizza, Eds, it's in the fridge." Richie sat down to insert the disc in the TV.

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