-50- Insecurities

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"Richie!" Eddie called, walking up confidently to his boyfriend of two months.

"Hey, Eds," Richie replied, ruffling Eddie's hair. "What's up?"

"Not much. Should we go out for dinner?" He was proposing a date. Richie shuffled slightly in his spot.

"Where to, do you think?" He knew what Eddie's answer would be, and he dreaded it.

"Well, we never go to restaurants and shit, and I was thinking the one that just opened up? The burger place, on Main Street?" he suggested. Richie cocked am eyebrow. It didn't sound half-bad. Two bros, just going out for some Canadian style poutine and a burger in small-town Maine.

"Burgers are great, sounds awesome," he replied. Eddie grinned.

"Cool, okay. So, wanna go now?"

Richie checked his watch. It was six-thirteen, an appropriate time to have dinner. He shrugged. "Why not?"

Eddie grinned, grabbing a hold of Richie's hand and intertwining their fingers as they walked towards the burger place. As they walked down Main Street, more people from school kept popping up. Richie could feel himself getting more and more uncomfortable by the second, but Eddie seemed completely unfazed.

How? Wasn't he afraid of what they would think?

As the two entered the restaurant, Richie saw it was filled with kids around their age and their families, all wolfing down their fried food like nobody's business. (Me on a saturday)

Richie put both hands in his pockets, letting go of Eddie's. Eddie frowned.

Is this a date or not? he thought in annoyance, shoving his hands in his own jean pockets. They made their way through the short line, looking up at the menus printed on wide pieces of paper and stapled to the wall behind the cashier.

"I'll have the original, all dressed, and a medium poutine," Richie ordered like he'd done it a million times. "And a strawberry milkshake." To be fair, with the amount of fried foods he ate, he probably had.

"Is that all?" the blond cashier smiled at him, and he could tell she was checking him out. She looked about his age, maybe a year younger. Probably fifteen or so. "And your friend?"

"Eddie?" he prompted.



"Yeah, I'll have the onion rings and... the bacon burger without mayonnaise." He ran his hand through his hair, glancing at Richie out of the corner of his eye. He looked comfortable, taking out his wallet to pay. Eddie had paid for the movie, so Richie was paying for this. They went to sit down at a nice booth in the back corner, sitting across from each other.

"Richie..." Eddie began softly.


"We've only been on dates to movies and private places... why don't you hold my hand?" he asked.

"W-well, we're just in public, y'know?" Richie mumbled, pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his freckled nose.

"So? Richie, we're dating." Eddie seemed slightly angry... But it wasn't a salty anger, it was a hurt anger.

"So? Eddie, we don't have to be a full show of affection all the time," Richie replied, making Eddie close his eyes and sigh.

"It just feels like you don't want other people to know you love me," he murmured. Richie shook his head. It wasn't like that... but he didn't have the right words to explain what it really was, so he had to let Eddie believe what he'd said for now. Until he could figure out how to speak a language again.

The rest of the "date" passed pretty quietly, the two boys busying themselves with eating. When they were done, it was abrupt and seemed forced: Eddie thanked Richie for the food, Richie said goodbye, Eddie said goodbye, and they left in different directions.

It was uncomfortable.

Later that day, in his room, Eddie was reading his comics, when he began thinking of Richie. Soon enough, he found himself crying, somehow.

Maybe Richie really didn't love him. Maybe... no, that was impossible. Eddie closed his eyes to clear his mind, only to end up asleep in his clothes, curled into a ball on top of his blankets.

As Eddie slept, Richie sat awake. He had to face it: to get over this... thing... this aversion, that he was feeling, he'd have to just do it.

But he was scared. He lay down on his bed, hugging a pillow. He closed his eyes to go over the events he planned, and to relieve his fear... And ended up asleep as well.

The next day, Richie and Eddie spotted each other in front of the market. Richie had come to get cigs, Eddie had come for his mother's groceries.

"Eddie!" Richie ran up to him through the crowded streets. "I'll make it up to you." He grabbed Eddie's hand and brought him back to the burger joint, fingers shaking and heart pounding. They got in line, and Robbie didn't let go of Eddie's hand.

What? Eddie thought slowly. He frowned, then shrugged and smiled, leaning into Richie's shoulder. They reached the front quickly, even though the restaurant was very full.

"Oh hello again," the girl at the cash greeted. "Same thing as last rime?"

Richie shrugged and nodded.

"Same as last time for your friend, too?"

There was a pause.

"Uh, sorry. I came with my boyfriend, not just a friend," he corrected. "But yes."

Eddie's face lit up, and it felt like his heart did too. It felt so good to hear Richie say that. Richie leaned down and pressed a kiss to his boyfriends head, making Eddie blush. The girl scowled, but took their orders down nonetheless.

"Find a seat, your order will come soon," she grumbled.

"Thanks," Richie replied curtly.

The boys went to the same booth as before, in the back corner, and Richie refused to let go of Eddie's hand. Eddie couldn't help the smile that had snuck itself into his features.

"Thank you, Richie," he murmured.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, I think I was afraid of people judging me... I'm sorry. Eddie, I... love you." He blushed.

Eddie's heart skipped a beat. "I-I love you too, Rich."

And then their food came... and food? Well, that's always good.

Especially poutine.

Oof sorry that took so long
I was really close to done on like Saturday & then I got lazy
Thanks for the request❤️💖💗💓❣️💕

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