-45- Bright Lights

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Richie paced backstage for quite a while. The others began to get worried. Was their frontman getting stage fright? It was going to be a huge crowd, they couldn't let down their fans.

No, Richie wasn't afraid of his fans. He was afraid of his friend. Eddie. Richie had decided to finally reveal his feelings to him, and he was terrified; this could break up the fucking band, if it went badly. But he wouldn't give up. So there he was, pacing madly across the green room, so much he was probably carving a trail in the concrete.

He stopped.



And walked over to Eddie.

"Eddie, I know we're on in four minutes but I have to tell you something before I lose every molecule of the balls I just grew," he said, all in one breath. Eddie cocked his head.

"Yeah? What is it?" Eddie replied, not really paying attention, and giving more attention to his keyboard.

"Eddie, I need your full attention." Richie took another deep breath to calm down, as Eddie stopped playing.

"Yeah?" He dropped his hands to his lap.

"Ok, so I have a crush on you..." he covered his blushing face, groaning at himself. "I'm sorry, but yeah... I had to tell you," he laughed sheepishly. Richie gauged his band member's reaction, watching his face intently. Soon, it pulled up into a small smile.

"Hey... I like you too," he grinned, looking up into Richie's eyes.

"C-can I kiss you?" Richie asked softly, and Eddie nodded.

"You're on in ten," the man at the edge of the stage began counting.

Richie leaned down to Eddie's seated height.


He placed a hand on the Eddie's back.


He pulled him in, placing their lips together.


Eddie stood up, wrapping his arms around Richie's neck.


Eddie and Richie broke away.


"Alright, let's do this!" Richie yelled, heading toward the stage, past all the people in black.


They made their way to the side of the stage, lining up just out of view of the crowd.




The Losers, as their band was called, came out into the glaring lights, grabbing their instruments and tuning up. Eddie made short eye contact with Richie, and blushed.

Richie had winked.

Sorry, this was bad. I saw the idea for it & I was like what drunk ass motherfucker came up with thIS-- oh right it was me

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