-18- Apologies

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Eddie clutched his potions textbook to his chest, feeling scared as he walked into his next class. It was the first time the Gryffindors had potions this year, and they were taking it with the Slytherins. Eddie sat at an empty table, hoping no one too mean would sit beside him. He had heard some pretty bad rumours about their potions teacher, Snape.

He was, apparently, really, really mean.

Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie saw someone sit down beside him. He hoped it was a Gryffindor. No such luck.

It was, in fact, Richie Tozier, infamous for his dickishness. Eddie blushed. He didn't know why, but he did. Richie just kinda did that to him.

"Hey." Richie flashed a charming lop-sided grin to his new seating partner.

"H-hi..." Eddie replied timidly.

"Oh great," Richie groaned as Snape walked into the front of the class, making quite the entrance. It made Eddie jump.

"I forgot my textbook, can I share yours?" He whispered into Eddie's ear, sending shivers down the boy's spine. Eddie nodded, scooting his book over so they could both see more easily.

Snape began speaking, taking points off Gryffindor for Harry Potter. He seemed to like Richie, which was good for Eddie since Richie was his partner.

"What does that say? Can you read it out for me?" Richie asked, fiddling with his glasses.

"Uh, yeah, I guess..." Eddie looked at the sentence Richie was pointing to. "Um, the feathers of a blue pe–"

"Kaspbrak! I should expect you would pay attention in my class. Five points from Gryffindor!" He yelled. Eddie's cheeks heated up as Richie laughed.

"Shut up, Tozier!" He whispered.

"Fee free to shut me up with your lips, Kaspbrak." Richie grinned, turning back in his seat to face Snape, as a flustered and blushing Eddie stuttered out a tiny "fuck you".

After class, Eddie walked out, head down to avoid Richie.

"Hey, Kaspbrak," he called. Eddie turned around, groaning to himself.

"What do you want, Richie?" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, we're on first-name basis now, Eds?" Richie asked, walking closer.

"Just fuck off, and don't get me in anymore trouble." Eddie turned around to walk away, but Richie caught his shoulder.

"You know what to do to get me to stop talking, yeah?" He grinned.

"I'm not gonna fucking kiss you, Tozier," Eddie groaned. Richie cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" He asked. Eddie nodded.


"Then why are you blushing?" There were a few laughs from behind Richie from his Slytherin friends. Eddie stopped, embarrassed.

"B-because you fucking–"

"Let's face it, Eds–"

"Don't call me that."

"You love me."

Eddie stared him straight in the eyes.

"You've got this all wrong, Tozier. I hate you." Eddie turned and stomped away, leaving Richie to shake his head.

Of course, what he had said was a lie. But at least it shut Richie up. He didn't understand why Richie was being such a dick to him. He couldn't figure out why it was him who the Trashmouth Tozier had chosen to pick on. It made it especially difficult when you took into account that Eddie had not a small, but in fact very big crush on Richie. Of course, Eddie wouldn't admit that to anyone. The only person who knew was himself...

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