-23- Chocolate

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"Richie, can we get a snack or something?" Eddie whined, fiddling mindlessly on the zipper of his fanny-pack as he strolled down Main Street with Richie. They were out for a date together – although they had to pretend they weren't, for fear of getting seriously hurt – and had just come from the arcade, which, even if it hadn't been Eddie's first choice, and he'd had to wipe down every joystick before playing, was actually pretty okay. Even with Richie's grabbing-the-joystick, if you know what I mean, jokes.

"Well what the fuck do I have enough money for?" Richie asked rhetorically, pulling out his small collection of dollar bills and quarters, which in total made up two dollars and twenty-five cents. Eddie shrugged.

"We could get... Um... Ooh!" He spotted an ad for M&Ms in the window of a corner store.

"What?" Richie turned to see what Eddie had seen.

"Chocolate!" Eddie grinned, pulling Richie into the shop. One dollar and ten cents later, they emerged from the store with their chocolate.

"Should we go to the barrens? There's probably no one there," Eddie suggested, looking up at Richie, who shrugged.

"Why not?" He grinned.

The two soon arrived at the barrens, plopping down on the grass. Eddie tore open the packaging, taking out an M&M and popping it in his mouth.

"Eds?" Richie asked.

"Mm?" Eddie replied, popping another in his mouth.

"How do you eat your M&Ms?" Richie asked randomly. Eddie cocked an eyebrow but responded.

"I just su– I mean, I just basically keep it intact in my mouth until the outside layer is super delicate. Then it's the best."

Richie shrugged and nodded. "Huh, okay."

Slowly, Richie and Eddie shared the bag until it was down to one more candy. They looked each other in the eye before racing to grab it. Eddie's smaller, more delicate fingers reached down into the package first and he grabbed the M&M, sticking his tongue out at Richie and dropping it in his mouth.

Richie, however, had other plans for that particular piece of chocolate. As Eddie sucked on it, Richie grinned and leaned forward, cradling Eddie's soft cheek in one hand, and closing his eyes to lay a kiss on Eddie's lips. Eddie was paralyzed. He liked Richie a lot, of course, but the two had never kissed before... This was so sudden! Quickly, Richie dipped his tongue into Eddie's mouth, making him gasp.

With his tongue, Richie stole the candy and pulled away, grinning and crunching down on it. Eddie looked at him, eyes wide. For a second he looked paralyzed, but then he smiled.

"Richie, you prick!" he yelled, laughing and hitting Richie playfully on the shoulder. Richie laughed wholeheartedly at Eddie's cuteness.

"What can I say? I love M&Ms," he said grinning. Eddie rolled his eyes. "But I love you more," he whispered into Eddie's ear, sending a shiver down his spine. Eddie's reply was another kiss, this one simply so he could feel Richie's lips against his again.

It was the best feeling in the world.

I swear this chapter wasn't sponsored by M&Ms

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