-43- Shoot

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"Alright boys, that's a wrap for this shoot!" Richie exclaimed, high-fiving a few of the models as they passed by him. He was a photographer. Not for anything sexual, although he had said before he wasn't uncomfortable with it, but for celebrities and fashion magazines. The models weren't always famous, but sometimes they were... On days where he got lucky.

Richie didn't believe in airbrushing. He really did hate it. He knew it was useless and stupid, and if you wanted them to look like barbies, you could just do it with CGI. The men and women he photographed were gorgeous enough, especially with the makeup, and airbrushing was just fucking dumb. Richie shot for a lot of different people, and he knew what beauty looked like. These people were gorgeous. All of them.

Sometimes the girls he shot for would come over to flirt him up, but Richie always ended up turning them down. They were celebrities. Models. Boring and over-dramatic, over-publicized. The boys were usually somewhat better... But all they cared about was their muscles. Ugh. They were always cocky and selfish, and Richie knew that was a no-fucking-no.

As soon as the band he was shooting for that morning had all packed up and left the studio, Richie checked his schedule again. One more shoot for the day, a one-person shoot with a boy named "Edward (Eddie) Kaspbrak". Richie had never heard of him before. He must have been new.

Richie chilled out for a while, went outside to have a smoke, then came back inside and freshened up. He kept a pleasant-smelling mouthwash with him always, because the smell of cigarettes—even he knew this—really did turn people off. He liked to be respectful. Not long after, the boy arrived. He looked Richie's age, probably about exactly, and fucked up everything Richie had come to expect of the models.

Eddie was short, was the first thing Richie noticed. And unlike the other male models, he wasn't chiseled or muscular, but more delicate-looking. Almost fairy-like, even. He was gorgeous, though. Not the typical "manly" gorgeous, but a sort of feminine type of gorgeous. However, Richie could see why he was doing solo jobs. He didn't look like one of those stereotypical dominant straight guy, and modelling was all about stereotypes. No, he wouldn't mix with one of those tall, mature-looking, big-chested female models. If he was to do duo work, it would have to be with a man.

Richie wondered what his type was.

"So... How's this gonna go?" Eddie strode into the room and discarded his jacket by the entrance. "Are you one of those in-your-face guys, or are you the kind of quiet one who mostly just cracks a few jokes and tells me short orders? Or something else?" Eddie came to sit down on the white block in front of the white background they were using.

Richie watched his movements closely. The stylists had chosen an off-white-and-black outfit on him, and it complimented his face perfectly.

Richie realized Eddie was looking at him.

"Uh... Oh yeah. Sorry. Probably the one that cracks a few jokes," he replied, laughing to himself softly. Fuck are you doing? He asked his mind. There was no answer.

Eddie grinned, and Richie had to swallow hard, blinking twice. He was really cute.

"Good. That's the better kind," he giggled slightly. Richie couldn't help a curious grin.

"Yeah... Yeah, I guess so," he said, looking at Eddie curiously. Then he picked himself up. "Uh, so, I think this shoot should be pretty casual seated poses, considering your outfit and minimal makeup. We'll get the guys to get the lighting from all angles so you just look at me, not anywhere else," he rambled. Eddie seemed to be listening well, and he nodded and waved at the lights people.

As Richie went on, Eddie watched him in slight awe. Generally, the people who were photographers were, like, forty-year-olds, ugly men and mothers of three with tiny moles dotting their cheeks and wrinkles creasing their foreheads, but this guy... Richard, was his name, he was different. He looked young, less than thirty. About Eddie's age. His skin was flawless and his hair looked somehow smooth. He had light freckles sprayed across his cheeks and nose, and his wide, square glasses were adorable on him. His eyes were brown and deep, and his jaw was low and cut well, under his perfect lips.

Eddie sort of thought Richard could be a model himself. But then he listened to him talk about the lighting, the styles, the mechanics of the making of the best photos, and photography in general, and realized he made a perfect photographer.

"So how does that sound?" Richie finished, looking up from the camera he had started fiddling with. Eddie nodded.

"Great. Casual poses are comfortable. Your name's Richard, right?" Eddie asked. Richie scoffed.

"Yeah, call me Richie if you want me to respond to legitimately anything you say," he responded, laughing and still fiddling with the controls on his giant camera. Eddie nodded in response, laughing slightly.

One thing Richie noticed was that Eddie wasn't too eager on anything. Not the especially got poses... Not on taking off his shirt. Eddie wasn't cocky. Richie liked that, even though when you got to know him he was pretty cocky himself. Eddie found Richie very enticing. The way he was concentrating so hard on the camera was really cute, and Eddie subconsciously bit the inside of his lip.

"Alright," Richie said suddenly, grinning and holding up the camera to his eye as though it was finally ready. "Let's get this pop-stand on the road." Eddie couldn't help but laugh, because he'd never heard someone combine those two phrases before. When he smiled, Richie shot the first photo.

"Gorgeous. See, getting a model to look happy, you just gotta find something that makes 'em laugh. It's not rocket surgery," he continued, holding up the camera to his face again. Eddie giggled once more, and Richie shot another.

"Cute, cute, cute!" he mumbled, making Eddie blush, glad for the the thin layer of makeup that covered it up. "Okay," Richie continued, "so now it'll be casual serious expressions, if you get me." Eddie nodded, and leaned back a little bit, slouching slightly and laying his forearms in between his thighs. He looked toward the camera, and parted his lips slightly. Richie began taking the pictures more rapidly, and Eddie's pose changed slightly with each click.

"Good, good... Maybe play with your hair or something," Richie suggested. Eddie's hand rose casually to draw through his short brown hair, looking down slightly. He knew making direct eye contact while running your fingers through your hair looked cocky and overconfident. More like one of those muscular blond guys covered in drops of crystal clear water in the cologne ads. Not what his style was at all.

Plus, this was a modest, casual shoot.

They continued on, changing the lighting and outfits slightly for another hour or two, then they wrapped. It had felt very comfortable, somehow.

"Richard?" Eddie asked, approaching him.

"Richie," Richie corrected. "Yeah?"

"Richie, right. So, I don't have many friends in the business, I'm kind of really new in this, of course, this being only like my tenth shoot or something," he began. Richie blinked at him, surprise filling his features.

"Damn, really?" He laughed softly. "I knew I hadn't heard of you. I dunno, dude, you're not as muscular and cocky as the other models, it's a nice break from the ego," Richie joked. Eddie laughed softly, looking down at his hands. Why was he so nervous?

"Yeah, thanks. I try." He but the inside of his cheek, before making his plan. "So, listen–"

"Here," Richie interrupted him, digging into his back pocket for his phone. "Put your number in, I'll text you later?" he offered. Eddie smiled, relieved, and reached for the phone.

"Yeah, yeah... Thanks," he added, making a new contact in Richie's list and adding his number. Once he was done, he handed it back to Richie and grabbed his jacket.

"See you," he nodded politely to Richie, who saluted him casually.

"Bye Eddie," he replied. On his way out, Eddie waved goodbye to the crew, then he was gone. Richie put his phone back into his pocket and heaved a sigh.

Well I'll be fucked, he grinned, he gave me his number.

Want a part 2?

Sorry for not updating much before the crossover one I was on vacation lol

I may not update so much now as I did before, partially because I've burnt out some and partially because I'm working on a chapter for like number 49 or like 51 or somewhere around there that I HAVE TO GET RIGHT. Like, it's not even that it's something I want to get right, I just can NOT write it wrong. So a lot of work is gonna go into that one.

Thanks for staying with me gets & thanks for nearly 5k reads wow

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