-27- Richie Fucking Tozier (2/2)

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The two relaxed in the water of the jacuzzi for a little longer. It was past dark now, the stars were out over New York, and Richie and Eddie gazed at them calmly.

"What do famous people talk about?" Eddie asked randomly, making Richie pause.

"Depends on who," he replied after some thought.

"Gimme some examples," Eddie prompted, still staring at the stars.

"Well... If you're talking to, like, a producer or someone you need to impress, you talk about the weather, the stock market, movie props and benefits, shit like that, and then if you're with, like, your cast members who you're friends with, you talk about dicks," he laughed. Eddie blushed and laughed along.

"No need to do that with you, though," Richie winked. Eddie choked loudly, before bursting out into laughter again.

"I'm starting to get really hot," Eddie said, starting to climb out of the jacuzzi.

"What do you mean 'starting to'?" Richie grinned flirtatiously, making Eddie stop in his tracks and groan.

"Richieeee," he blushed.

"Hey, it's true. Also, I gotta say, you look sexy as fuck when you've got water running down your abs," Richie winked again, and made Eddie blush and look down at his smooth chest.

"F-fuck you," he retorted, trying to conceal a smile. Eddie reached the door of the patio, stepped inside the house, and heard a splash from behind him. Richie had also gotten out of the hot tub, following after Eddie who had made his way to the counter in the kitchen.

"I could say the same fucking thing," he mumbled softly into Eddie's ear, grabbing his waist and standing directly behind him. Eddie's face went a particularly bright shade of red and a shiver danced up his spine as he stood frozen, feeling Richie's warm breath tickle his neck. He turned around abruptly, still blushing, so that his front was pressed against Richie's instead of his butt.

"Let's get one thing straight, if we ever were to fuck, I would never let you doggy-style me." He bit his lip, not making eye contact with Richie, who was no doubt grinning madly and suppressing a laugh.

Only he wasn't. He was just concentrating on trying to slow down his raging heart. In one last attempt to not go crazy and screw the motherfucking shit out of Eddie, he moved away to go grab his and Eddie's towels and, after wrapping his around his waist, headed for his bedroom.

"Hey, um, do you have a guest room?" Eddie asked, entering the bedroom. Richie shook his head, taking off his glasses.

"Sorry. I mean, if you want you can sleep on the couch, or just go home, but–"

"N-no, I can sleep with you. Wait, shit! That came out wrong, I meant–"

Richie laughed. "I know what you meant, Eddie spaghetti."

"Oh... Okay. D-don't call me that." Eddie laughed awkwardly. "S-so should we go to sleep soon... It's ten... Or..." Eddie began helplessly.

"How 'bout this..." Richie interrupted him, without making eye contact and staring down at his fiddling hands. "We fuck, it's not awkward, then we fall asleep."

Eddie's awkward expression changed to an expression of surprise and–to his dismay–happiness.

"Uh... Yeah," he said as casually as he could, as if he and a guy had ever fucked before (they hadn't), and leaned on the doorframe.

"Wow, didn't think you'd say yes," Richie got up slowly, walking over to Eddie and closed the door, shoving Eddie against it as soon as he had it closed.

"R-Richie... Rich, go easy," Eddie said timidly. "B-but only on the bad... Good part," he added in a tiny whisper, smiling a tiny bit, making Richie grin. And Richie did go easy... on the bad... good part.

(There would be hella gay smut here but i don't wanna write that with them, don't ask why because I can't answer that lol)

"Richie?" Eddie asked as he lay in Richie's bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Mm?" Richie replied. His arm was around Eddie's torso and his face was lying sideways on the pillow, facing Eddie.

"Wh-Why did that f-feel so good?" He asked, blushing. Richie sighed happily.

"I don't know, Eds. I have no fucking clue."

The next morning, Eddie woke up with an arm around his body. He frowned in surprise and confusion, but then remembered the night before and smiled softly. He remembered how gentle Richie had been, upon Eddie's request, how careful he was not to hurt Eddie. He remembered how Richie had left little bruises down his neck, and Eddie reached up to touch his flesh there. He remembered how perfectly rough Richie was with everything else, and it was fucking fantastic.

The room was light and Eddie checked the clock.

"Fucking shit!" He yelled, sitting up and turning to place his feet on the ground in one swift motion, before stopping short and groaning. A pain halfway between an ache and a burn was manifesting itself in Eddie's lower half.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" he yelled, ignoring the pain and getting up.

"Eds, what–?" Richie yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Calm down–"

"I can't!" He slapped his forehead. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"Wha– why?" Richie asked.

"It hurts to sit down!" Eddie yelled.

"Wh- of course it does?" Richie asked.

"My job is sitting down, dumbass!" Eddie replied. Richie's eyes widened in realization. He nodded slowly.

"Oh... I see." He cringed at the thought. "That's definitely a problem."

"A-And! I have to pick someone up in ten minutes!" he yelled.

"Wh-what time is it?" Richie asked groggily.

"Ten after ten!" Eddie replied. Richie shot up out of bed.

"Shit!" Richie yelled.

"What?" Eddie yelled back.

"Someone's coming to pick me up in ten minutes!" Richie replied. "Wait, hold on... Gimme a sec." He picked up his phone and dialled his manager.

"Yeah, hi Rhonda," he paused. "Yes... Yeah, I'm aware... Well, sure!" Suddenly, he broke out his Slutty Attendant Voice. "Goodness me... Would you just look at the time," he drawled whorishly in a deep, rich voice, laughing along with whoever was on the other side. "Anyways, Rhonda, I was calling to see who was picking me up?" he asked, eyeing Eddie. Richie grinned. "Can you call them, tell 'em I've got a ride of my own?... Thanks, Rhonda. It's pahfect, dahling, nothing could be bettah," he replied in his British Guy Voice. He giggled with the girl on the other line, before hanging up.

"Always leave 'em laughing, Eds." He grinned. "Now calm down, it's me you're picking up." Eddie flopped down onto the bed, smiling in relief. He had gotten his boxers on and was holding his jeans, while Richie was still in bed.

"You know I have AIDS, right?" Richie asked, watching as Eddie's face morphed into an expression of horror. He nearly punched Richie in the face, before Richie stopped him.

"Jokes, Eddie, jokes!" he laughed. "I've been tested, it's all good." He laughed again.

"Fuck you," Eddie replied, laughing.

"I could say the same fucking thing," Richie replied coolly, laying back on the pillow. Eddie burst into laughter.

"We should go," Eddie suggested as his laughter tapered off.

"Good plan."

Shit bro I don't think I've ever written this much for a couple of one shots before (especially not like over the span of two days) but damn I kinda like it

Pls request stuff

Pls tap the star of happiness

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