-34- War & Peace

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Les Mis AU yaaaaaay lol don't kill me

"Tonight, we battle!" Richie cried, holding up his gun. The room let out a loud roar of agreement. "And tomorrow, we live free!"

Another triumphant roar spread across the pub, the men holding their guns high. Richie stepped down from the bar, and Eddie came running to bring him close in a long hug.

"We can do this, Rich. We can win." He pulled away. "We can be free... I love you."

"I love you too, Eds," Richie smiled, kissing him quickly and heading out the door. "The parade is now. We will fight! We will show our pride!" They marched out the door to line up at the parade. The royals came second after the marching band, and as they came, the men began to sing their song of protest. People around them stared, and as the main royal carriage came by, horses trotting along unhappily, they climbed upon it, stood next to it, they sang and waved their bright red flags in protest.

"Go, go!" The official leading the soldiers cried, running in on his horse and guiding the others to follow. Spotting this, Richie lowered his flag.

"The barricade! Go!" Richie yelled from atop the carriage. He hopped down, tossing his flag to Eddie, who ran to their jumbled and growing pile of doors, chairs, pianos and other random things people could spare. They tossed over their guns, then hauled themselves up. Their guns were loaded, and they hid behind it as the French guards came around the corner.

"Who's there?" The leader called. There was a long silence, before Richie spoke up.

"The French revolution," he muttered, standing up to shoot at the leader of the troops. The rest of the rebellion stood as well, firing at the men in red and blue suits. A few of them fell from their horses, bleeding meekly in the stoned street. A bullet whizzed by Eddie's head through a hole in the door he stood beside, and his heart thumped in fear.

He heard Richie let out a cry of pride and confidence, and looked up to his right. Richie was standing up, leaving his head and part of his chest completely exposed to bullets.

"Richie!" Eddie screamed. "What the hell are you doing?" Richie looked down, grinning.

"I'm winning this. For us, for freedom. For France." He turned back, aiming and shooting at a few of the soldiers, and succeeding in killing the last of them.

It had begun to rain.

"There's more men!" Another man warned from Eddie's left, "There's more men!" He repeated. Richie's confidence faltered for a second, then he looked down at Eddie.

"Eddie, is that loaded?" he asked frantically, pointing to the gun in Eddie's hand.

"I'm not gonna give it to you unless you get down, Richie. You can't fucking die on me." He stubbornly swiped at the tears that had fallen against his will. Richie shook his head.

"I'm not getting down, now give me the gun or watch me die," he warned. Eddie burst into tears and handed him the gun. "I'm sorry, Eds... I love you, and I'm sorry. I want most of us to get out of this alive." He grabbed the gun, aiming and shooting as Eddie loaded his old one.

One gunshot rang out louder than all the rest, and there seemed to be a long pause as Richie cried out in pain, falling down off the barricade. He fell right into Eddie's arms, and dropped the gun.

"Richie, what–" he saw a wide red stain spreading on Richie's white shirt, and gasped. "Richie!" He shrieked, incapable of saying more. His words were paralyzed in his throat as he held a hand over Richie's wound to keep in the blood. His hands became more stained than Richie's shirt, dripping with red. Eddie sobbed as the rain began pouring harder.

"We can still win this. Keep fighting," Richie whispered.

"No, no! No, Richie, you're not going to die, I promise!" He sobbed again, eyes drenched with rain and tears. "We'll take you to a hospital, you'll live!" He choked on a sob, and continued. "You'll live, you have to," he cried. Richie shook his head.

"You'll live, Eddie. And you'll learn to love again," Richie promised, closing his eyes as his stomach bled out the last of his life.

Eddie sobbed louder, leaning down to place a long kiss on Richie's unmoving lips. He carried Richie's body to the nearest building with some difficulty, laying him down on the floor of the pub softly, crossing his limp arms across his chest. He cried louder, sniffling and choking out loud sobs of pain, of sadness he couldn't put into words. A few tears slid from his eyes to Richie's cheeks.

He made his way back to the barricade, picking up a handgun and running out in front of it.

"Edward, get back here!" A man's voice cried from behind. Eddie ignored him, letting out loud scream of anger.

"I'll kill you! Every one of you! You're demons! You're sinners! You'll pay, good lord, you will pay!" He screamed, waving the gun around at them. He stood directly in between both barricades, sobbing and yelling angrily. The uniformed troops were silent, and didn't shoot. They were surprised and confused. The rebellion behind him yelled for him to return, but Eddie walked on, ignoring them.

Eddie cocked the gun, pulling the trigger and striking out three men. He hit the right arm of another, and the leader commanded their fire. A first bullet hit Eddie's shoulder, and he faltered shortly, before shooting down two more soldiers in a wild rage. Finally, a bullet struck his chest, and he fell.

He didn't feel anything. He didn't feel anything except love for the handsome man who stood in front of him.

"Richie," he mumbled. Richie grabbed him by the hand, pulling him off the floor and into a long hug.

"Come with me, Eddie. You're safe now."

Aw I'm sorry

But I'm also not lol

Also sorry that was so badly written, it could have been sadder but I'm a shit writer sorry lol

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