-88- The Night When the World Fell Away

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Richie picked at his lips, staring out the window as snowflakes fell to the ground, making a soft white blanket over his front yard.

With a stirring, visceral ache he was launched back to a better day, one that he couldn't help but miss dearly. Even with a new boyfriend, new girlfriend, whoever it happened to be—he never could help but miss that night.

He couldn't help but miss Eddie.

He clicked his pen.

Richie could still remember all the details of Eddie's house: the orange bedsheets; sliding closet doors; the books on the little shelf in the corner and the little pink Bible for Girls ("mommy wanted a girl"); the vinyl figures that stood beneath them...

He remembered the cans of iced tea that sat empty on the bedside, lit only by the little sliver coming from the crack in the door. He remembered sneaking down to the kitchen for Oreos and Nestea, he remembered the messy closet from which had come the matching onesies and dumb hats...

Richie's eyes felt hot and his eyelids heavy, and there was a stiff twisting feeling in the pit of his stomach. He reached instinctively for the stationery pad he kept on the side of his desk and, with no other way to let out his feelings he got to writing.

Dear Eddie.
It's me. It's Richie. We don't talk anymore (for obvious reasons) but... I just wanted to say that I've been thinking of you. That sounds soppy but fuck, you know what? Maybe that's how I feel.
Jesus. I don't know when the fuck it all went wrong.
The first real snow fell this morning, and it just catapulted me back into.. watching the snow fall while I tried to sleep, and waking up in your bed to the fuckin layer of snow outside. Before everything went "wrong". And I miss that. So fucking badly. I was thinking about—and I don't know, maybe you've blocked this all out by now, maybe you've fuckin forgotten all this shit but—I was thinking about when we went through your closet and dressed up as characters (or- maybe I dressed up? Either way), and when we wore our onesies?
Ah fuck, I'm stalling.
I was thinking of (why is this so fucking hard to write) your diary? And how.... you wrote that whole thing about.. well, y'know, like... me? How you said you loved me? And... I loved you too.
I think I didn't tell you that though... not really, at least. I was too busy with my fucking stupid girlfriend from the time who ended up being such a fucking waste of time and oh my god it feels so fucking good to finally say this, Eddie I was a fucking IDIOT not to tell you I loved you right then and there in that fucking diary. Because I fucking DID.
That night, while you were asleep, besides talking to my fucking weirdo ex, I just sat there and looked around your room.
Is that creepy? Fuck, i don't know. You'll probably never read this anyway. But I can remember what your whole room looked like. I remember where the shelves were and the closet and your dresser,  I remember where our empty Nestea cans were and I remember how your cat felt when she cuddled up to my hand. And I remember letting her out of your room really late because she was scratching at the door.
Sorry. I'm getting off track.
Eds... that night was one of the best nights that I can remember. God, I was so fucking happy with you. I hope by some divine grace or whatever the fuck, that I'll see you again. Soon? I say that because I know I'll never send this letter. First of all I don't even know if I could fit this much fucking stationery in one envelope, but second of all, I know your bitch mother would intercept it and... this is a bit more personal than I'd want her reading.
Anyways. I miss you. So much. And I want to go back to how things were that night more than anything right now. I love you Eddie Spaghetti.

Richie stared at the writing scrawled across the papers, stretching his fingers to help the cramping. He clenched his jaw, gently pushing up his glasses. Then, with shaky, gentle hands—as if the letter was delicate, breakable and precious—he folded it up and placed it in the corner of his desk drawer.

Maybe someday he'd send it...

...no, he couldn't possibly.


Lmao hi
Sorry I'm really inactive and only popping in every million years with a vent chapter uh
Mentally I'm quite drained and school is doing its thang even harder than usual so . yeah that's fun
Anyway, I'm (slowly, oh god so slowly) working on a full length reddie fic so I'll update you guys when that's being published !!

also, Eddie if you're reading this ,, lol hi um . Miss you, contact me xo

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