-14- Eddie's Birthday

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"Happy birthday, Eddie!" Eddie's mother shrieked, knocking on the door of his room and waking him up. Eddie groaned.

"Mom... Let me sleep..." he mumbled.

"Fine, but only because it's your birthday." She walked down to the kitchen. Eddie rolled over and fell asleep very quickly.

There was a knock at the front door, and Eddie's mom opened it to find Richie with a large present in his hands. He decided to be as polite as possible.

"Good morning, Ms. K." He smiled. "How are you on this fine, sunny day?" He asked. She looked at him skeptically, before giving up on trying to figure him out.

"Good, thank you. Is that for Eddie?" Richie nodded. "Well," she began, "he's still in bed but, erm, you can come in." She opened the door hesitantly.

"Take off your shoes, please." Richie obliged, kicking off his shoes and placing them neatly to impress Eddie's mom.

Richie headed up to Eddie's room to wake him up. He opened the door, and plopped the gift down on the bedside table.

"Wake up, loser, it's your birthday!" He yelled. Eddie groaned and rolled over. When he saw who was there, his eyes widened and a blush exploded on his face.

"R-Richie?! What are you doing here?!" He yelled, grabbing the blankets.

"Making sure you get the best out of your special day, duh," Richie grinned, and pointed to the gift on the table. Eddie groaned again.

"The 'best' is sleep, okay? Just let me sleep!" He yelled.

"Nope," Richie replied smugly. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"At least let me put some damn clothes on."

Richie nodded, watching him expectantly.

"Richie, that means you need to look away." Eddie watched as Richie blushed slightly, looking into the corner of the room as Eddie stood up to put on some shorts and a shirt over what he'd been wearing.


Richie turned around. "Okay, so first off, open your present." Richie grinned as Eddie made his way to the nicely wrapped gift bag, opening up the wrapping slowly. Inside the bag, under the tissue paper, sat a big bottle of hand-sanitizer and another small package, bundled up meticulously in tissue paper.

"Thanks, Rich..." He smiled as he placed the hand sanitizer on his bedside table. "What's this?" He asked rhetorically, holding up the lump.

"You'll see." Richie grinned, grabbing Eddie's hand. He led Eddie down the stairs and to the front door, putting in his shoes and instructing Eddie to do the same

"We're going to the diner for breakfast, Mrs. K!" Richie yelled to her as they exited the little house, not waiting to hear what she had to say.

"This better be good, Trashmouth," Eddie warned, following Richie towards Main Street.

"Oh, it will be." Richie pushed up his glasses.

"Hey, Rich, I wanted to go to the carnival or something..." Eddie bit his lip. "B-but if you wanted to stay with me, we can do something else. I know how you feel about clowns." Richie smiled.

"You're too nice." He pointed to the package in Eddie's hand. "Open it."

Eddie slowly tore open the tissue paper. His face lit up when he saw what was in it.

"Tickets for the carnival! Richie, you don't have to..." He said, grinning widely.

"I know." Richie shrugged, leading Eddie towards the carnival, both looking eagerly at the Ferris wheel that stood above all of it. When they got to the gates, the man at the front asked to see their tickets, and Eddie showed him the two pieces of paper, letting him tear the little tab off.

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