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I felt my eyes drift open slowly, my lips parted slightly on the soft pillow. I sighed comfortably, sinking back into the pillow. But what in the shit was that weight beside me...

And what in the shit was that pair of legs doing tangled up with mine!?

My eyes snapped back open, and I tried to figure out where I was... Shit! This wasn't my house... So where was I?

Oh. The party... The alcohol... Right.

I remembered the sensation of someone's arms around me, and I remembered the loud thrum of the music that matched the pounding in my head.

Then who the fuck was in bed next to me? I turned around slowly, careful not to disturb the person's sleep as they snored lightly and cutely. I expected to see an ocean of blond curls from some Barbie as usual, but instead I saw a head of brown hair.

Wait... I know that hair. My eyes widened, and I gasped loudly, accidentally waking up the half-dressed boy and interrupting his  cute snores. He groaned, pulling the blankets up further on his face, before he felt my body beside him. He jerked his face over to look at me, and he looked adorable. Confused and nervous, yes, but adorable.

"Richie?!" He asked incredulously.

"Eds?" Our faces were way too close together... We could almost ki–

"Did... D-did, Rich, did we..." He asked, a bright blush spreading across his face. It was adorable. Then I realized what he was trying to say. I jumped out of the bed, looking down at my body.

"I-I don't know, d-did... I-I'm not sure..." I stuttered. When I found I was wearing shorts and boxers, and so was he, I figured we were good, relaxing some.

"No, we didn't," I assured him. He sighed, relieved. He placed his head back on the pillow. His eyes didn't leave my body for quite a long time as I grabbed my glasses, putting them on and checking the time, before fixing my hair a little. I chuckled at him, grinning and turning to face directly towards him.

"You know," I began, grabbing my shirt, "if you took a picture, it would last longer." He spluttered, blushing even darker and looking away at the designs on the quilt.

"I-I wasn't staring at you... I just..." He stuttered.

"You just were staring at my beautiful, perfect, seventeen-year-old body you'd love to have on top of yours?" I winked. Eddie squeaked adorably, turning away and shaking his head, timidly trying to deny it. I chuckled as I did up my shirt.

"Get up, Eds," I grinned as he emerged from the blankets still red-faced. He wasn't wearing a shirt either, and there were a couple purple marks on his neck. When he noticed them in the mirror, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Shit!" He whispered, rubbing at them and groaning in defeat. "Richie, why?" he sighed.

"You love me," I replied, mercilessly checking him out. "Here," I picked up my hoodie. "Put something on."

He slipped it over his head, and it was about three or four sizes too big for him, so it was floppy and adorable on him, making him look even smaller than he was. He blushed under my gaze.

"Th-this doesn't mean... We're, like, dating... Right?" He asked, trying, and failing, to be casual. I chuckled again.

"Not if you don't want it to..." I mumbled, just loud enough so he heard me.  He looked down, fumbling with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

"W-well, I..." He paused, looking up at me expectantly, his brow creasing adorably.

"You gotta say it, buddy," I joked, grinning. He took a deep breath and began.

"Rich, I like you, will you date me please, because it would make me super happy and then maybe we can do what we did last night again..." He said all in one breath, blushing profusely. My grin widened.

"You mean make out?" I asked. He nodded, not making eye contact. "Like this?" I asked. Eddie's brown eyes darted up to mine as I pulled him to my body and placed my mouth on his.


That was shit
But it was cute
And it was fun
And that's all I'll ever need.

Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now