-33- Picnic

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Eddie smiled, watching the boy he'd loved since grade three ride ahead of him on his bike. They were going to the barrens to hang out, but the rest of the losers were busy. It was weird, they'd never all been busy at once before.

Eddie chuckled to himself. Just me and the Trashmouth, huh? He thought, stashing his bike beside Richie's at the normal bike spot. The two ran up to the cliff where they had their picnics, and Richie plopped down the blanket he had brought for Eddie to sit on (so that he didn't have to sit in the wet, sticky grass–ew, bugs). They sat down and began to talk.

Richie, as usual, made his mom jokes, and his dick jokes as Eddie rolled his eyes and pretended he wasn't falling further in love with Richie with each word. A very short while in, Eddie made up his mind. It had been four years, they were about to go into grade eight for christ's sake. He decided. He'd tell Richie his feelings for him.

"–almost like gettin' in your mom's pants," Richie finished another gross mom joke as Eddie clued in. He looked down at his hands.

"What?" Richie looked at him, scratching his chin. "What?" he demanded. "Gaw on, theyn Edday spaghettay!" he coaxed in his terrible impression of an Irish Man.

"Richie, I..." Eddie trailed off, looking Richie in the eyes. Richie cocked his head, and Eddie couldn't help himself. He pressed his lips to Richie's, blushing profusely and wiping his lips. Richie had stayed frozen.


"You're a fag?" Richie exclaimed. Eddie nodded, lowering his head. There was a pause.

"I'm not," Richie finally said, lying back casually on the blanket.

"Y-you don't hate me?" Eddie asked, slightly relieved, and similarly saddened by the fact that Richie wasn't, well... gay. Richie shook his head.

"Should I?" He looked up at Eddie, as if it was a genuine question. Eddie shook his head frantically, taking out his inhaler and taking two good gulps of air from it.

"Yeah, I don't see why people hate fags... It's like, as long as they're not raping you, who cares, Y'know?" He shrugged. Eddie smiled. "Just don't kiss me again." Richie toyed with his glasses for a little, trying to get them to sit right before giving up.

"Thank you, Rich." Eddie sighed in relief.

"No problem. How 'bout we never tell Bowers about this, yeah?" he asked rhetorically. Eddie laughed.

"Duh," he replied.

Aw ok this has been an idea in the back of my mind for a loooong time & I think it's kinda cute that Richie's chill with gays. He calls them the f-word because he doesn't really know anything else to call them, yknow? Like he's not trying to be disrespectful


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