Day 15

20 1 0

30 December 2017

Saturday 10:15 am

Sooo... I just got a call from Olly. Turns out the house he's 'babysitting' is his aunties, and he has decided to hold a pool party for New Year's Eve. And he's decided to invite a shit-tone of people, including me. So we are all going out to Anstead tomorrow for the night, of course, I get to go early. Meaning, I'm heading out tonight to steal the only other bed in the guest house before anyone else can claim it. Membership as Oliver's one and only best friend has its privileges, haha. But seriously, I'm a little nervous; their place is huge. His aunties house is on 28 acres, and she has her own house that her family stays in and then she has a guest house. On top of that, she has a massive pool, a tennis court and stables! They also have security cameras which is why I'm nervous about the fact that Oliver is having about 30 different people over when they told him 1 or 2 was the max. Maybe he found a way to beat the system or something. Or maybe he really just doesn't give a shit what his auntie thinks... probably the second option.

My dad's gonna take me over in a couple of hours so I can help Olly with setting up places for people to crash once they are either tired or too drunk to stand up anymore. We should be safe from too many drunkards though only Stefan and Lolly drink till they drop. Everyone else has a limit and utilities it.

I was thinking about that car crash again today. I mean, all those families that were waiting for people to come home to them on Christmas? Only to be met with a phone call about their loved one being killed in a monstrous crash. How awful. The news had said that one of the cars had a small family in it; a man and his wife... and their 8-month-old daughter. They said the parents both died but that the little girl had been placed into NICU; this was a few days ago. I've been trying not to think about it too much, but; it's sad, really. Apparently, the learner driver had been sick with a cold or something and had passed out at the wheel, which was what caused the crash. Or at least that's what the news said. I don't always trust the news, though; they always make up a bunch of half-truths or just plain right-out lies so that they can get a good story.

This is no good; I need to stop writing about this and thinking about it! Anyway, Olly was being a little creeper again earlier, he told me to bring my best swimsuit, or he would shove me in his sisters 'sexy' emphasis on the quotation marks; underwear and parade me around in front of all of our friends on a dog leash as if on a catwalk. So... I told him if he did that, I would throw his whole porno collection out onto the grass and drive over it on a ride-on lawn mower. He soon told me I could wear whatever I wanted... or not wear anything I didn't want to wear and proceeded to laugh and continue talking about all the boys he was going to invite. Sometimes I wonder what's on his mind, what the hell he thinks his plans will lead to... and I always come up with absolutely nothing. I have no idea what the hell he goes on about sometimes, but it's fun to try and figure out what he's saying, he's like a weird alien sometimes, but that's why he's my best friend. Because he's so stupid, and I'm his for the exact same reason.

ANYWAY, I better start packing. Gotta find my 'best' swimsuit. Haha, I'll prob's take the one I made in art class this year that says 'Don't Mess With Me, I'm About To Level Up' and has three hearts with two filled in red and a green level-up bar almost completely full. It was a pretty plain white one-piece with a cute little skirt thing on it before I was done with it. Now it looks pretty cute and dorky, just the way I like my clothes.

Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow because I probably won't have much time tonight. Bye bye.

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