Day 306

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16 October 2018
Tuesday 9:42am

I managed to convince Cory last night into walking again, he's excited at the thought of seeing his brother but I know he's still very depressed about Nancie. We all are. Even Nathan had a nightmare last night, I was up on watch when it happened; I soothed him the best I could just like he always does for me. He calmed down but he wouldn't go back to sleep. I ended up falling asleep instead for a few hours but still not very long before the dreams came back. It's always an instant replay, the blood. The screams. The running over to her in slow motion always reaching to pull her back, never getting there in time. My clothes are still covered in her blood; I have to get new ones. I don't wanna wear them anymore. Every time I look down I think of her, and I think the other two feel the same way. I'll tell Nate we need to go on a 'shopping' trip. Since we are still in town we can get things on the way out.

Same day 4:35pm

You won't believe it. We were in the store, I had just changed and we were about to leave when I heard someone yelling in the distance "I thought you died you wanker-noodle" at first I thought it was just some other survives who had gotten us confused with someone else, until I realized the voice belonged to a very special someone. Olly, Jade and Stefan stepped out from in a chemist. Oliver's arms held a basket filled with perfumes. And he came racing over to us. The moment he grabbed me I broke down in tears, I couldn't believe it. When he let me go he realized Cory was there and he pulled him into a hug as well, Cory was just as emotional as me. After everyone had settled down it wasn't long before Olly started asking questions though. Particularly about if we had found Cory did we find Nancie. Cory started crying again when he asked so I took him off him and cuddled him while Nathan pulled Olly to the side and explained what had happened. I guess I didn't have to worry in the end about how I was going to explain after all, I didn't have to. I thought he would be mad at me to be honest, but I felt him hug Cory and I and he told me he was sorry and he thanked me for doing my best. I think I honestly would have rather him... I don't know yell at me? Slap me? Sass me out? Anything. Anything but be kind and understanding. It's my fault I should have been more careful. I should have paid more attention. Then she would still be here. We are back at Olly's camp at the moment. The others are all here Lolly and even Barbie 2.0. Much to her surprise when Nathan and I came in she ran up to him and hugged him. After the hug he pushed her back to a more respectable distance, which she wasn't pleased with. For the rest of the night up until now she has been trying to get closer to him again and he is always moving away, I wonder if we should just tell her that we are together maybe then she'll back off? Olly wasn't very surprised when we told him, he was actually quite happy. Olly even found someone for himself. While they were on the road they picked up a guy named Sebastian Roi-De-La-Glace...I think that's how you spell it, it's a freaking mouth full of a name. Apparently it didn't take long for them two to hit it off and they have been together for a few months as well. He's a really nice guy. Definitely the dorky dad jokes kind of person. He's very tall and tanned, Olly likes to point out how Seb has good eye brows and that's why they match so well. He has dark chocolate brown eyes and unnaturally natural jet black hair. He was studying to be an English teacher before all this.

Their camp is in a small run down motel for now. They were planning to leave in a few days so we caught them at a good time, who knows when we would have met up again. Cory is still staying with Nathan and I in our room together while the others are all in separate rooms. They blocked off the whole motel and cleared it all so it was safe which is awesome. I'm being called so I have to go; this has been a very good day in the end.

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