Day 38

14 1 0

22 January 2018

Monday 7:49 pm

Last day of the school holidays, it's kinda sad to say goodbye to all the free time, and it's making me a bit anxious... okay, really anxious. I wonder who I'll get as a teacher this year for art. Most of my other teachers will be the same, but my art teacher had just gone on maternity leave in November last year, so they would have had to find a substituent for her position. I didn't mind the guy that we had substituted for her at the end of last year, but he seemed pretty adamant that he was only going to be there until the end of term.

Oliver and Sparky seem to be making some fun of the situation, I saw a couple of selfies on Facebook with them posing in their uniforms... and cutting up one of their old ones. They also burned their old school diaries; they made a vine out of it or something. I'm not really game enough to do something like that; mum sells all my old uniforms so she can get some money back from them. Uniforms are so expensive. $100 for a pair of plain grey shorts and a grey skirt; what the hell? Why does it cost so much? $35 for a scarf? $12 for the school pin? Which we have to have it; it's part of the senior formal school uniform, so why do we have to pay for it if they want us to wear it? Same with normal school uniforms. We already have to pay to attend school, pay for the textbooks, and pay for the school laptop (which, again, year 11 and 12 students have to have); if we want to attend formal and semi-formal, we have to pay for that and then uniforms on top. Sparky was pretty lucky not to have to buy anything but a scarf, the pin and a new formal shirt because she decided it would be fun to play tug of war with her dog with the only formal shirt she had at the end of last year.

Anyway, as of tomorrow, I will be a year 12 student. The one thing I'm excited about is seeing all the new little grade 7 students! They're always so tiny! I still can't believe they changed the school grading system to allow grade 7 students into high school a couple of years ago. I was barely ready in grade 8 for the difference in the way teachers treated you and the way other people talked. It went from if you say the 'S word' you're the badass of the school to everyone swearing constantly. Now all these little kids are going around a huge school looking like little ants. Ants... ha... that reminds me. When I was their age going around Ember on a tour of the school with some other classmates, so many of the older kids would look out the windows while we walked passed and would aww at us, say how cute we were and how little we were. We'd get to school the next year, and the year above us would look down on us and go, eww... who let all the Oompa Loompas in? A couple of years later, we would be looking out the window and see little kids going around on their tour to get them ready for their next big step in the following year, and just like with us; some people would turn around and go... who let the little Oompa Loompas into the school? And now that we are all older, it's like, oh my god, they are so cute and tiny! Humm, the circle of life... or well... the circle of high school. You go from being cute, to an ant, to looking at ants and then to looking at all the cute kiddos. School, school, school. So much happens in so little time. Years used to last centuries, and now they last days in our minds. I miss feeling like I had all the time in the world because nowadays, it feels more like we have barely any time. In a few years, will our days feel like minutes? Or seconds? I guess the only way to really find out is to wait until the time comes, for when there isn't enough time anymore.

Well, this got pretty real, real fast... I'm gonna go read for a bit before heading off to bed. I want to at least TRY to get a good long night's sleep for tomorrow.

Okay, night-night dairy.

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