Day 59

11 1 0

12 February 2018

Monday 12:35 pm

Hey, diary? (Yes, I'm writing during lunch again. Don't complain; you know you love me talking to you). You remember that boy I told you about who collapsed in H.P.E? He died. The principal told the school during assembly that he'd 'passed away' as he puts it, on the weekend. Apparently, he was sick, but that's all he said. While we were leaving, though, I overheard some other grade eighter's talking about it; one girl said that her mum was told that the kid really was sick, but no one knew until he collapsed. He had just been going around sick for who knows how long; that was when a boy asked if he had been contagious because he used to hang out with him all the time, and he didn't wanna get sick. The girl kinda shoved it off, saying that he probably wasn't because everyone else in his family was fine.

That's so weird, to go along so sick for an unknown amount of time, unnoticed, only to die shortly after finding out you were sick? And at his age? The poor kid, his poor family. Hopefully, no one else gets sick in their family, and if they do, hopefully, they figure it out faster next time. Kids shouldn't have to die so young, and parents shouldn't have to bury their children; it's so sad.

Same Day

5:02 pm

School was pretty docile and quiet all day in the end. People were talking about what happened a lot; even Olly and Nathan were going on about what happened to the kid. Nathan was asking Oliver if it was really possible to be so sick and have no one take any notice until you were already in the hospital, and Olly just shrugged. Sparky and I talked about the kid's parents. Did they not notice he was sick because they were busy with work or something? Maybe he had no symptoms until it was too late? Did he even know he was sick? Usually, kids who get sick try to skip school and stay home. There are so many variables that would need to be included to actually figure out what happened; all we really know is he got sick and died. What did he have? Phenomenon? Maybe some form of fast-acting cancer that goes undetected? Staph infection? There are so many things that could have caused his death. I just hope he didn't die painfully.

Is everyone going to act as rowdy as normal tomorrow, or are they going to stay in the morning stage? Not many people in the school would have actually known him; I didn't know him. I don't think any of the others knew him. Even so, you feel bad for the parents, and that's what usually causes people to mourn over people they don't know. I wonder if the family feels weird about people feeling pity for them over the loss of their son by people that don't even know their family. I know I would feel weird, kind of in the middle where you're great full to know people care, but also not wanting to be taken pity on because of your loss. When I told mum, she acted a little off as well; I guess she was thinking about the boy's parents to...

This has been a really depressing day... I'm gonna go hug my mum...

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