Day 369

5 1 0

18 December 2018

I managed to convince my uncle that the food rations that he is giving to our friends is too low. They get half as much as the others in the camp. I convinced him that if he gave them the same meal size as the others then they would be able to get more work done. He wasn't budging at first until I explained that while I was on that ration size I wasn't getting things done as fast as I could have because I was tiring out to quickly from lack of nutrition, which isn't a lie. I was. And so are they. So he agreed that they could go on to full ration meals as well, but in return they had to work more efficiently. I let Nate know as they came into the food area, Olly just ignored me and walked past. Seb gave me an apologetic smile before following after him. Nate smiled and hugged me before following after them as well. I'm going to see if I can go visit him tonight before bed.

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