Day 55

11 1 0

8 February 2018

Thursday 10:57 am

So it's lunchtime, I'm in the school library, and I was TRYING to work on my English report; well, the final draft of it at least...and there are these 2 girls in the corner of the room about 6 desks from me, on their phones. They're on YouTube, I believe, looking weird stuff up; I wouldn't mind if they were wearing headphones... but they aren't. I kinda wish that the librarian would either make them put headphones in, turn off the phone or even leave like they usually do. Yeah, it's lunchtime, but students are still trying to work in here. So seeing as they are being pretty loud, I figured I'd write in here for a bit, as there is... nothing else for me to do right now.

Why is it that writing in here is so different to writing an assessment? I mean, I guess with an assessment, you have to really focus on what you're writing, whereas, as you've probably already noticed, Diary, I'm just kinda writing a bunch of crap in here. There is no real thought process, kinda just throwing everything out all at once...

Okay... I think they are watching a news report now or something similar. Something about a car accident on the M1... must be about what happened during Christmas. I can't really hear what it's saying because it's too far from me; it mostly sounds like muffled voices and static. The static part is what's ticking me off a bit.

They're leaving now, one of the librarians came over and told them to leave if they aren't going to be quiet, so now that it's quiet again, I'm gonna get back to work.

Same Day

6:38 pm

Mum has the news going while she's making dinner; there was an accident on the M1 again today. That must have been what those girls were looking at on YouTube. A truck hit a mini-van and threw it off the road; it went all the way across onto the other side of the guard rail where the other side of traffic was and hit another car. That's the second major car accident we've had in 2 months now? Sure, accidents happen all the time but to this effect is a little odd. They didn't say how it happened apparently they are still looking into it; dad says the trucky was probably high, and that's why it happened. I don't get how people could get high or drunk and then drive, knowing they are putting not only themselves at risk but others as well. Just because you believe you are fine to drive doesn't mean you are; Olly told me that being drunk kinda just feels like being extra hyperactive, like giving a 3-year-old a bunch of sugary drinks and candy and chocolate and then letting them run around aimlessly.

And by the way, who would take a video of a car accident and put it on the internet?? I mean, some people tag the videos as #Don't drink and drive and stuff, but that's someone's life you're putting up on the internet for everyone to see, and people who get dragged into the accident and get hurt have their lives destroyed on the internet as well. They might not want to relive that part of their life over and over again; if they even live threw the accident in the first place and with those sorts of videos up, all it takes is one bad click, and there they have a video of them being taken away in an ambulance playing in front of them. It makes me really mad to think about people just stopping to take photos and videos of someone else's misfortune or mistakes. Now I'm working myself up for nothing... hummm...

Mum wants my help with dinner... I'm gonna go calm down by bashing the chicken meat with the metal meat tenderizer. I'll talk later...

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