Day 211

4 1 0

14 July 2018
Saturday 11:53am

I wish I had more clothes... wearing the same clothes everyday is annoying because they don't smell good and it's hard to wash them very often, I feel like we have had this conversation before... regardless it's still true. I've resorted to washing my clothes while I shower, I wish we had soap. I wish I could make a run somewhere to get these things for while we are staying in one place, but there is nowhere nearby. It's been 5 months since all of this started. It's about time for another hair cut; my hair is starting to grow out again. Nathan's is getting kinda long as well, well at least for a guy it is. The kids still need a hair cut as well. I'm gonna find a pair of scissors today or something to that affect at least. You can never be too careful; regardless of how 'safe' we are here. I don't think Nancie is going to appreciate the hair cut, she may be 10 years old but she's always had a thing about keeping her hair long. I swear though if I have to get Nathan to hold the girl down while I sheer her hair off I will. Cory's hair is also getting a little long but he won't be as much of a fight. I wonder if Olly is keeping his hair short...what about the others? Oh please tell me someone got a hold of Barbie's and cut great chunks out of it! Her face would be priceless. I doubt Olly is having the same smell issues as us. I can just see him making a run to the nearest chemist warehouse and grabbing a bottle of black opium and just showering in it. Olly is the type of guy that would rather feed himself to a zombie then be caught dead smelling like a skunk. I still miss him, I miss them all. I wonder if they've made it to the property yet.

I've gotta go Nancie is calling for me.

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