Day 283

5 1 0

23 September 2018
Sunday 4:57pm

I can't wait for spring, it's already heating up for the season and every so often you can see flowers that are starting to get ready to bloom. We don't have to wear any jumpers during the day anymore which is great and we aren't too far from the next town which is also great because Cory's shoe is almost completely dead and Nate's are on the way out as well. The prospect of new shoes is exciting news for Cory and it's kept his spirits up as we walk. The s'morning he was talking about getting a pair of shoes that light up. Though I'm not sure that would be a good idea. It could call attention to us. Nancie was asking about a skipping rope, which wouldn't be a bad idea. It would be both useful and fun for the kids to use as we walk. Maybe we can find some other useful things while in town hopefully.

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