Day 84

13 1 0

9 March 2018
Friday 7:56pm

The news hasn't said a lot about what's been happening recently, although I think the Internet has been saying more than enough for any media outlet. YouTube has exploded with videos of people in hospital dying from the 'new virus'; videos have started to be uploaded in other countries as well, America, England, China, Japan? Lots of places have people getting sick with this 'mutated flu virus'. And lots of people are dying and what's scarier? Apparently people who are supposed to be immune to this virus, are starting to get sick as well. I overheard my parents talking last night...they are thinking of pulling me out of school and home-schooling me until this is over. I don't want that, I don't wanna get sick either, but I want to be home-schooled even less. Recently it's as if the news really is trying to cover everything up, pretend it's not happening anywhere and that everything is occurring as it normally would in life.

Apparently all who die from the virus aren't able to be buried yet because they need to do testing on them...again this is from the inter web so this part I don't know how true it is, but no one has been talking about when Kena is being buried; so maybe it is true.

I already miss her so much, I've gone from seeing her all the time to...just not at all and she's just gone from my life. From our lives. She was so, so sweet. So kind. So optimistic, so pure. She really was pure, so much so it was comical. Now she's just; nothing. I just hope she's at peace wherever her 'soul' is, heaven, hell, after life, limbo; where ever we go when we die I hope she's okay now and trying to look out for her little brother.

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