Day 298

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8 October 2018
Monday 8:52am

Nathan and I finished mapping everything out from here to our next check point. We are going to head off again in an hour or two, once the kids are awake and have everything packed up. It shouldn't be much longer until we meet up with everyone. Within the next check point from there on wards we should start seeing signs of our friends somewhere, anywhere. Like perfume bottles left around on the ground...that seems like a very Oliver thing to do.

Same day 4:32pm

I hate this world. I hate those things. I What have I done... it's my fault. We were leaving and Nathan and I were in front we had been walking for a few hours. The kids were arguing about who was going to help with dinner and who was going to help with setting up for bed time and I turned around to tell them to stop or they would be doing both when a I heard a Z coming from behind me. I turned around to take care of it with Nathan but when I looked back to check on the kids it was too late. I watch as Nancie pushed Cory to the ground in front of me and the thing grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pull her back into its vice grip. Nathan helped Cory up while I jumping towards the other two. Nancie was screaming bloody murder and all I could do was pull her away from it as it bit into her tearing flesh on her arms with its nails and boney fingers and ripping a massive whole into my little girls neck. Nathan killed the Z as she fell into my arms. Blood was poor everywhere from her neck and out of her mouth. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't stop the blood. She was crying and chocking on it. All I could do was tell her she would be okay it wasn't so bad; we'd patch her up and be on the road again in no time. She'd be just fine. Cory was screaming out for his sister as Nathan tried to stop him from looking at her, I was crying just as much as them. She passed very quickly but I just stayed there holding her. When she came back I took care of her so she wouldn't have to be one of those things, but even then I couldn't let her go. I didn't want to say goodbye, I still don't want to say goodbye. I'm just hoping that I'll wake up back in the caravan, Nathan holding me as we sleep Nancie with her feet in my face and Cory with his feet hanging over Nathan and I as he slept. That's where I wanna be right now. Please let me be there. Please let me wake up from this nightmare. Please I can't do this.

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