Day 331

7 0 0

10 November 2018
Saturday 3:31pm

I found more dirt in my pockets at lunch. Why did I think that was a good idea? Cory's ankle is better; he's been walking on it today. I'm completely lost with where we are again; still in a deserted area. There's more grass though at least now, and a few more trees as well. Still stinking hot though. I'm over spring already...can it be winter again? I wish I could like...I don't know, petition the sun to have it move away from the earth again quicker. Why seasons gotta be a thing? Why can't it just be warm but cool; and just stay like that? That would be so much nicer. Summer is going to be a disaster. Cory is starting to become lethargic. He's trying not to show it though. It's not just him. Everyone is getting slower.

I found a frog today...I'm a little surprised since we haven't seen a billabong or anything yet. How did it get so far out here? At the very least it means we shouldn't died or anything from the environment; if it's still alive. It was a really pretty green colour. It landed on Barbie 2.0's shoe and she started screaming and kicking her foot around; like that would make it jump off. Poor little frog.

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