Day 17

18 1 0

1 January 2018

Monday 12:30 am

So as it turns out, Lorrlie found my diary last night while going through my things; and decided to leave me a lovely little note before passing out with it in her hands.

Turns out Olly had some sort of ploy to try and hook me up again with someone, and I'm guessing trying to hook himself up as well. It would explain all the shit he was telling people about me and how kinky I was? It kinda backfired on him, though, because everyone who knows me knows I'm not the kinky type. And anyone who questioned it last night was set straight by one person or another.

Everyone is starting to pass out now. Olly went to go to bed with a couple of people before they passed out literally on top of him as if he wasn't even there. He passed out as well, though, so I guess it's okay. Anyone who tried to steal my bed, I've... kindly... told them to fuck off. I kicked everyone out of the pool and locked the rest of the alcohol away where it won't be found, and told everyone to go to bed. To which they asked me what I wanted them to do in bed... so I walked away. I'm just glad I wasn't the only one not drinking tonight. Turns out this guy Olly invited, Nathan? I think his name was, well, he wasn't into drinking. He said he would rather watch someone else get drunk and make a fool of themself than get drunk and make a fool out of himself, and yes, that does mean I talked to him. Kinda hard not to when you have Olly dragging you over to him, saying, "hi! You who! Mister sober! Meet Mrs sober! Have fun, kiddos!" Before running away, yelling, "I FOUND TWO SMALL FISHIES IN THE BIG POND AND PUT THEM TOGETHER IN THE LITTLE POND". We didn't talk for very long, though, because his friend dragged him away to watch her play beer pong with the other boys. She kinda had this fake innocence about her; she acted all sweet to him, and then as she pulled him away, she looked back at me with a sneer on her face as if to say, "He's mine", and all I could think was "You can have him, girl, I don't want him" and my next thought was...she looked like a barbie doll, I swear! She had these big blue eyes and straight bleach-blond hair. So I just found my way back to Sparky and spent time with her while she talked about how cool it would be to kill someone with electrical wiring... sometimes I worry about her. Greatly, she's always been an electrical bug, kinda like a firebug but with electricity. That's how she got her nickname in grade 8 when she zapped a teacher with her science project of which conducted electricity. Obviously.

Ahhhhh my mind is fried from the party, no pun intended. I'm so tired I could sleep forever.

I'll write later once I wake up and have gotten home, maybe... to be honest, once I get home, I'm probably going to have a shower and go back to bed. I'll write again once I've recovered.

Night night.

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