Day 111

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5 April 2018
Thursday 10:39pm

I can't stay here anymore. The lock on the door isn't strong, and I can hear those things walking around the house all the time. Not many...but enough. I've been here for more than a week, they aren't coming back. My ankle doesn't hurt as much today. Or well tonight. I slept all day again. I'm kind of glad I pulled out the old camping bed roll. Even if it was dusty as all hell. Yes I'm still complaining about that. There's a lot of stuff in here I can take with me. The only problem will be the weight of it on my ankle. So I can only take what I really need. And I'm sad to say...I don't NEED the bed roll. There was an old camping bag in the cupboard that belonged to Olly when he was little, so I'll take that to carry the things I need. It's not big but it's big enough. I'll leave as soon as the sun comes up tomorrow morning. So I'll pack now and set my alarm. I've had my phone switched off this whole time; I've been using my watch to tell what time it is. I'll take the torches I found as well though I don't have a lot of battery's... they're in another room in the house and seeing as I need to get to the bathroom in the morning for more medical supplies I don't want to spend too much time navigating the huge house while trying to avoid those things. I'll pack the small blanket I found because it's autumn and it's getting cold...winter will arrive in a few months and if I don't bring it now...I may not find another one in the future. So I'll go without it tonight, so it's already packed in the morning. I'm only taking small cans of food that come with the little pull tab on them...I still can't believe Olly grabbed cans that didn't have them...what does he want me to do? Eat the metal? Rip the metal open with my bare hands? Damn it Olly. I don't have a can opener! Your dad wasn't gracious enough to put that in the camping gear... I put in as much water as possible and some biscuit packets. I still have everything from my small bag, in my small back. I'll just carry the bigger bag over the top of it. I did find some matches...I don't know how much use they will be but I'll take them. And there was a small cutlery kit in there that I've been using so I'll take that as well. I'm not taking anything that needs to be cooked; only things I can just eat and that will stay preserved.  I should be able to stash at least a month's worth in the bag...or close to anyway; but that's with rationing so that it lasts a lot longer then it probably should. I don't know where I'm going to go... but anywhere is better than sitting in here waiting to die...because essentially...that's all I'm doing.

The bruising on my ankle is still getting worse...hopefully I'll find somewhere nearby that is safer then this garage. Somewhere I can hold up in for a little while to rest in... because that is the only way I'm going to be able to do this. I can walk on it now...but just barely. If I have to run I think the adrenaline from those things chasing me should be more than enough to make sure I'm actually running away and not waddling...but then again...hopefully I don't come across too many of them.

I better start packing.

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