Day 340

4 1 0

19 November 2018
Monday 1:21pm

The guys got back about an hour ago; they were able to find a dam. So they brought back a bunch of water to boil. They found a couple of buckets in a shed and had taken them with them when they left yesterday. The water they brought with them should last us a little while, but I think that while we have the chance we should replenish our bodies water supplies get rid of all our dehydration. I mean if we are close to that damn then as long as we keep going and getting more water and cleaning it, then we can drink as much as we need to, while we can. Cory needs to for starters, so do Jessica, Lolly, Sparky. Stefan won't say but he needs it and so do Oliver and Sebastian. Nathan needs to drink more as well. No one is going to make it through another long haul if we don't fix the damage the last one caused first. We all are doing better now, but I can tell that everyone noticed just how close we all came to dying out there. Even if no one else will say that it happened. I didn't even realize how bad off we were while we were walking. I could see it in Cory but the reason of us. We all figured we were just tired from always moving. It wasn't until we stopped that everything crashed down on us like a title wave. I'm going to talk to everyone tonight.

Same day 6:46pm
Everyone else seemed to agree with me. We haven't seen any Zom-noms walking around in the area and since we are so close; they also believe it would be a bad idea not to take advantage of the situation while we can.

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