Day 103

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28 March 2018
Wednesday 12:34pm

Hey...I know it's been a few days since I last wrote. I...have a good reason though. Like I said, someone was outside screaming and they broke down the back door to get in because no one got to the door in time. That wouldn't have been a big problem...if the idiot running through the wooded area out the back hadn't of been screaming. He led an entire hoard of zombies straight to the house. And the door was broken. As soon as I saw them, I grabbed my bag and tossed my diary into it. I never unpacked it. In case of emergency...which I'm glad for now. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed one of the knives from the butcher block, after was completely chaos. People were trying to get weapons and Mrs. Prescott was trying to calm the man down but he just continued to scream, then he stopped and fell to the ground. She tried to help him, his eyes were rolling back into his head and...blood started pouring out of his mouth. I hadn't seen that happen since the hospital. I tried to warn her to move but before I could he stopped moving altogether...I didn't know what was happening I couldn't figure out if it was the air born virus or the mutation that had killed him and then in a flash he was biting at her face. Did the mutated virus do the same as the air born? Only faster? And then there is the zombie-issume part as well. What I saw...should not be possible. He was dead. He had to be. He wasn't breathing. He had choked to death on his own blood. How did he come back? How...why... 

The hoard reached the house in no time. Olly killed the man eating his mother...and then his mother told him to get out...before she died. Again choking on her own blood. While zombies started coming in through back windows and the back door everyone started running to the front door, grabbing what they could along the way. Olly grabbed the keys to the car and people started piling in really quickly. Before I could even get out the front door, Rebekah grabbed me. Her mother had a hold of her and had tripped her pulling me down with her. I tried to help kick her mother's grip off her but others started coming towards us. I couldn't see anyone anymore. I stood up and tried to pull Beck with me but they grabbed her as well and started biting into her. There were so many, and because I was still trying to pull her...when she let me go, I tripped and fell...and knowing my awful luck I fell out the front door and down the stairs. I got up to go back for her but they had already started coming out the door for me, and when I went for the car the zombies that had gone around the left side of the house had seen me and started coming towards me as well. Some stopped at the car to get everyone inside while others pushed past for me. I remember seeing Olly pull open the sun roof and start screaming at me to get over to them...but there was no way I would get there without getting bitten...and if I opened one of those doors...someone else could die as well. That's all I could think about. So I did what any 'sane' person would have done and I high-tailed it out of there...the opposite way. I ran around the house dodging arms jumping over all the fences and I kept running. They chased me for a long time. I don't remember how long I ran for but it was day light before I found somewhere to hide. And I stayed there. It was an old shed. No windows. And only an old latch lock on the inside of the door and a broken latch on the outside. I locked the inside latch and sat down. It was really dark...not much sunlight could get in. I just sat there in the dark for hours. I didn't want to move in case something outside heard me and came to find me. If anything tried to get in, it could easily break the latch and force its way in. I figured it would be safe to at least write today I'm using my phone as a light, I haven't touched it since the other day when I pulled it off the charger to shove it in my bag. They must have moved a fair distance away by now...even the little stragglers. I'm gonna go back to the house...they might come back for me...but even if they don't. I don't have any food, or water...I didn't get time to grab any before everything that happened...happened. And...I think I sprained my ankle when I fell down the stairs. They have stuff back at the house I could use to help it. I don't actually know where I am...but I need to try and get back...I'm injured...and I can't stay in this little shed forever.

I'll let you know how I go. Wish me luck?

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