Day 91

8 1 0

16 March 2018
Friday 11:45am

Everyone came back okay last night; they didn't get back until late though. Everyone thought something had happened to them because they took so long, but after what Olly told me...I can see why they had to take their time coming back. When they got to Lolly's place...the door was wide open, windows were shattered. Olly said the only thing they found was a clump of hair and her blue shirt her mother had been wearing when Lolly left for school on Wednesday. He said it was torn up...and cover in dried blood. It had happened a while ago. Lolly started to blame herself for not going straight home, saying if she had...she might still be alive. Of course Olly told her there was no way of knowing and for all we know it had happened as soon as she got to school, it could of happened after she had left the street that morning, it could of happened at any point in time. There was no way of knowing that by just going straight home she would have been alive for her to save and that this is in no way her fault.

It wasn't much better at Sparky's either. In a way I guess you could say it was worse. When they got to her place...there was a group of zombies bashing their way in, by the time they had managed to somehow get in Mr. Jenkens, Sparky's dad had already had to shoot his wife, Sparky's mum. She had been bitten by one and had turned, they told him they had a way out and a safe place to he told Sparky to go with them and he would follow...Olly was the last one out the back door and before he could turn to check on Mr. Jenkens...he had already shot himself. By the time they got back...both girls were completely beside themselves. Lolly went upstairs to the spare room that she and Stefan were going to be using and...that's it. She hasn't come down stairs since. She won't talk to anyone...not even her boyfriend. And Sparky well she came right over to be and started sobbing into my shoulder while I hugged her. We went to another room so I could help her calm down. She was telling me how she wished she'd been a better daughter...and all sorts of stuff. Then she told me I was lucky I didn't know what had happened to my parents, because then at least I had a chance at them still being alive...even if it was a small chance. I didn't say anything about it, I just held her and let ramble about whatever she needed to ramble about. She even started talking about how she was sorry she burnt the chicken her parents asked her to cook a few years ago...she fell asleep after a while and I guess I did as well. I'm still lying on the bed with her in 'our' room, she's still asleep. I think I'll go down stairs and see if I can get something for her to well as myself. The boys were going to go out today to find their families; it was dark when they got back yesterday so they didn't want to chance running into any zombies at night. It would be harder to spot them in the dark, and easier to run into them.

Same Day

I tried to get Lolly to eat, but she refused. I left the food I got her on the dresser in the room, hopefully she'll eat it later and if she doesn't...maybe Stefan can get her to eat when he gets back. I didn't have as hard a time with Sparky, I told her that she needed to eat and that her parents wouldn't be happy with what she was doing if they were here. A low blow, I know...but at least she is eating. After that I had gone down stairs to talk to Beck and found Barbie with her crying historically. When I asked what had happened...Beck gave me Jessica's phone. Her father had tried to call her and left her a....very unpleasant voice mail, not because of anything he said but...what happened. He was asking where she was, if she was safe, he told her he was at work in his office and that once he could he would come get her...only then there was a ear piercing sound of glass and some indistinguishable sound, it sounded like a voice...but it was impossible to figure out a gender behind it or anything really, there was no words only grunts...her father told them to stay back, yelling out someone's name probably the zombies name when they were alive. And then he screamed, and that was it. It cut out. Jessica is a bitch...and she's done a lot of terrible shit in life...but she shouldn't have had to listen to that voice message.  The thought that her dad was okay and coming for her...the hope and relieve she would have felt...stolen a few seconds later, as she listened to her father screaming for she heard him dying, screaming in pain. No one, not even her...should have to hear that...feel that. Of course she wouldn't let me comfort her she only let Beck be there for her until Nathan got back with the other two.

Same Day

Sparky is right, I am lucky my parents just 'went missing'...Stefan found his father sprawled out on the veranda...torn apart. And his little sister was apparently view able from the car as well... she was face down inside the house not moving, the front door was open...that's how they could see her, she had been home sick from school with anxiety over everything that had been happening. Nathan's parents were no shows like mine...just gone. Stefan tried to get Lolly to eat but she refused so he ate the food so it wouldn't get wasted. He said he'd try again later, that it would be better to just let her ride this out for now.

The power turned off happened about an hour ago. I figured we would have a little longer before that would happen...but I guess not. I'm so lost with what to do...I can't make the girls feel better and there's nothing to distract us. Olly...he's lost the most so people numbers wise. He had 5 siblings and his parents and he only knows his oldest sister is okay...what about his 8 year old brother? He was at school as was his 10 year old sister. They were so young...what happened to all the really young children...did what happen at Ember...happen in every school? His older siblings would have been in uni and at work...did they die as well? Or did they get out and just take off? I wouldn't doubt either option...
Sparky wants me to go and draw with keep her mind occupied...that might actually work.

Same Day

We just about all had a heart attack, I swear. Olly and Nathan were down stairs keeping an eye out while everyone else rested. When someone started opening the front door...that had been looked. Olly said for a moment he thought he had forgotten to bring in the extra key...only to almost smack his mother in the face with a bat...we heard a scream (because it woke us up) so Sparky and I ran down stairs and came face to face with Mrs. Prescott. I was a bit shocked to see her as well, so after we realized who she was...we slammed the front door shut and locked it before checking if any zombies nearby had heard her scream; but it looked like there wasn't any nearby. Olly was again...very happy to see his mother...more than happy because he hugged her as well. She was so surprised she asked if he was sick and needed help. Haha. She told us she was locked up in her office at work when it all started a couple of days ago and she tried to get to the primary school to get Nancie and Cory her two youngest, the school was completely over taken when she got there.  She looked for a bit, checked their class rooms but she couldn't find anyone...who was alive at least so she got out while she still could. She figured if anyone of her older children were alive they would have made it back to the house already. She asked where the others were and wasn't happy when we told her they weren't here. She eventually went and took as shower and went to bed after eating something I would guess. It's probably been a few days since she's last eaten. Stefan offered to switch out with the other two which they agreed to...Sparky fell back asleep a few minutes ago but... I'm just...Nancie and Cory are gone as well...we figured they might be...but to think it actually happened. I can't believe it. They were little spoilt shit heads yeah...but... isn't that almost every young kid? I'm gonna try and go back to sleep again...I don't wanna keep thinking about this.

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