Day 206

4 1 0

9 July 2018
Monday 11:32am

Today was adventurous; we found another well behind an old shed that was boarded up. I told the kids to stay away from it from now on because that's where all the spirits of the dead from before this plague use to haunt. And that if you listened carefully you would still hear them wailing inside, at which precisely that moment a small gust of wind blew by over the dank well and made a moaning sound that scared the heck out of the young children and had them running for the house.

In other news this new group tried to pull a power play over us saying because we are teenagers we still count as kids and should stay with them. I know they meant well but they aren't heading the same way as fact they aren't thinking of heading anywhere at the moment. Nathan and I are still talking about whether we wanna wait out the winter here or just head south for the acreage sooner rather than later. I'm not sure what I would rather. I mean its Australia so at some point during the winter there will be a heat spike like usual so maybe we could wait for that before heading out? It would make it a little cooler to walk during the day and less likely to get heat stroke with the kids, without it being too cold at nights, at least until we hit NSW that is. Then it will get colder, especially at night.

Gotta go Nate needs help with something.

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