Day 334

4 1 0

13 November 2018
Tuesday 11:43am

I'm back to carrying Cory around because of the heat. The scenery has gotten bushier, so there are more trees that create shade now. It doesn't stop the heat from bearing down on us though. I think we are getting closer to an out land town or something. We've been walking on a dirt road for a few hours now. Once we find somewhere that we can settle down properly again, I'm going to make sure we stay put for a little while to rest. We are barely making it out here as it is. There's no way Nathan, Cory and I could have made it through these areas on our own. Not enough resources, not enough of anything. You should never go into the desert without proper supplies. While technically this isn't 'desert' desert area. It's definitely close enough. Not enough shade, not enough places to find water and not enough food. I'm surprised at how far we have made it. I know this was the fastest rout but I think maybe we should have tried a different way. It wasn't worth the risk of dying from dehydration, starvation or heat stroke. Cory is sun burnt as hell on his face and neck. Everyone who had exposed skin is sun burnt. We need to find Cory a hat of some sort. I've substituted my jacket as a hat for him as he's carried for now. We managed to find water the s'morning. Not a lot; but enough. I've made sure Cory drinks enough water to battle of some of the heat and dehydration he's suffering from. He's resting at the moment with my jacket covering his face. Everyone looks so tired. My arms are exposed now because I'm not wearing my jacket anymore; and they are already burning. We're going to be moving again soon though.

It's been a long time since we have seen any dead. I imagine they are still wondering around closer to city and town boarders. Which means the further in land you go for now the better. However that also means the more desert you go into. 35% of Australia is desert. And at least half of that 35% is uninhabitable. It's those areas that would be safest from the dead for now; but it's still a death sentence to go out there. Now that we are going closer into town boarders I bet we will see a lot more of the zom-noms starting to reappear. I just realized that all the useless I formation I use to retain is slowly starting to be useful; but knowing the square rout of Pi still doesn't help us. 1.77245...yeah I still remember. 

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