Day 66

9 1 0

19 February 2018
Monday 4:35pm

I got my English assessment back today...and I did pretty good! I got a B so my average should go up hopefully which will help my OP. At the moment I have an equivalent of an OP-12 because I kinda slacked off a bit at the end last year and failed math really as long as I get one more semester with marks of at least B's in math; I should be okay. I gave Kena her chocolate before form class (because as I told you yesterday I forgot to bring it with me on Saturday, I'm such a ding-bat sometimes, I know) and Stefan teased me saying I was confessing too late because valentines was last week. He's such an asshat sometimes, so I decided to play a little tricky-trick on him by telling him that I wasn't ready to tell her yet and that because she had been feeling sick I wasn't able to see her at school until now, and that now that I have her in my sight again I swore I would tell her how I felt! To which everyone else just played along and laughed at him while he tried to figure out what the hell I was talking about and if I was being serious or not. But seriously I'm happy Kena is feeling better and is back at school again. One of the things she was more worried about was being behind on her school work while she was off with her head-cold. That girl needs to chill a bit about school work...she was way to excited to be back at school the s'morning for it to be normal. Why would she be happy about school *shivers* ha ha. Anyway we (we grade twelveiers going for OP's I mean) got a letter from the head of the year level; about appointments for talking to some people about OP's and what we plan on doing next year... my appointment is on the 21st of March during when my first session should be. So I get to skip some class. If I need to change it I can, but I don't think I'll need to which would be great; because I don't wanna have to talk to Mr. Hatton on my own. He can be a scary man. He made a girl cry last year because she didn't have very good grades at the time and was going for an OP. There's a bunch of rumors about him in the school going around, a lot of people don't like him; I think even a few of the teachers dislike him as well.

Anyway talking about school and grades guess what Mrs. Annike assigned us for our first assessment? Yup, she wants us to write a report on immunization. We have to include things like what are the percentages of people in the world who are and who aren't immunize, what risks are involved with immunization and what sort of tests they have to go through before they even get to human trials. Plus a whole other bunch of shit I don't understand...I don't wanna do science...why didn't I chose to do home-ece last year instead of science? Why do I even try to be smart? Smart people don't chose subjects they don't know anything about just so they can sound smarter in conversation! Maybe I can talk to the school guidance counselor about changing my science class to something else...she'd probably say no anyway. I hate science.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and cry for a few minutes about how horrible science is before I get started on the terrible assessment I have been tasked with. Pray for me and my sanity Diary...I'm gonna need it.

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