Day 280

4 1 0

20 September 2018
Thursday 3:22pm

We passed Carroll's Creek today. I think the kids appreciate that we're back on the move like before, we only stop at night to sleep and during the day to get supplies if needed. We still have that stock from yesterday so we shouldn't need to stop for supplies for a while at least. We played a little bit of eye spy while walking so at least that kept Nancie and Cory entertained. We still have many hours of walking left and we may have to stop somewhere for new shoes for Cory soon. He broke the heel of his shoe the s'morning. It wouldn't be a bad idea for all of us to get some new shoes though, continues wear and tear is deteriorating our shoes fast.
We are in another park toilet cubicle, there wasn't any Z's outside when we got here but it will be getting dark soon so that could change. I've already set up the blankets. One on the ground to stop the concrete from freezing us in the night like last time and then the last three to go over us. Nancie has decided that she doesn't like sharing her blanket at the moment; though at her age I guess something like this was bound to happen. She is still very young. So Nancie and Cory get their own blankets each, while Nate and I share the last one; though I really don't have a problem with that and neither does he. We've gotten a lot closer over the last few days. It can still be a little awkward at night once the kids are asleep sometimes but, it's still really comforting being near him. I'm just glad we found each other when we did. I don't know how I would survive this long, let alone looking after the kids without him.

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