Day 318

6 1 0

28 October 2018
Sunday 6:24pm

We've stopped for the night, there's nowhere for us to stay other than just on the side of the road. It's starting to get dark so it's better that we stop and set up now while we still have some light. Stefan and Lolly are making a fire, Sparky is setting up dinner and the other three are setting up a sound line around us. I have Cory watching me write at the moment asking me questions. Like why do you always write in that thing? What do you write? Are you listening to me? Mum...are you listening? Shit now I'm just writing down everything he's saying. Why do I write still though? Maybe...because it's my sense of normalcy. It was something I always did before this now I'm just still doing it because it helps me regulate my day I guess. And it helps me cope better with certain things that happen.

Everyone is making jokes about me writing... asshats. That's what they all are! Asshats! Cory just asked me what an asshat is; little shit be reading over my shoulder. I think it's time I put you down Nathan's back now too.

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