Day 35

15 1 0

19 January 2018

Friday 12:38 pm

So Olly got home yesterday, and all he did was complain about how he had to work for his aunt for free when he could have been at home relaxing instead of looking after her 'shitty animals' and cleaning her 'shitty house'. I mean, I get that he doesn't like her and would have been more than happy to do it if he was getting paid, but he didn't get paid, and now I have to listen to his ranting about having to do stuff for his family for free. Why does he even need the money anyway? His parents give him everything he wants... I think it's meant to be like a compensation thing, you know, 'I don't want to spend time with you, so here, take my money and do what you want, just don't be a shithead' sort of thing. So he doesn't really need to work for it; he could just ask for it... but I guess I understand why he doesn't sometimes. Sometimes he doesn't want anything from them, and sometimes he wants EVERY thing from them. He's so conflicting. Just one big ball of conflict, although I can be like that sometimes as well, so I get it. He takes what he wants from them so that he can run up their bills and not his, and then he doesn't take stuff from them so that he doesn't feel he owes them anything. Wish he could just pick one or the other and not both sometimes.

Anyway school starts next week. Mum got my uniforms sorted with me the other day. They ended up changing the rules so that you could wear the formal uniform and sports uniform whenever you wanted instead of just on certain days. It used to be that you had to wear the formal uniform every day other than the days you actually have sports, then you wear the sports uniform. If you wore it on a day you didn't have sports, you would get detention unless you had a note that said something like, the cat peed on the shirt or the washing machine broke, and I'm not a shitty ass parent that sends my child to school in dirty clothes; and then they make you borrow a formal uniform for the day. I only had to borrow a uniform once cause my dad spilled his coffee on my formal uniform shirt while I was ironing it. I didn't have time to wash and dry it for school cause you know, I would be late, and I didn't want detention. Detention sucks. I haven't been in detention since primary school, sometimes, they made you sit and do school work, but most of the time, they just made us sit in the corner of the room doing nothing for half an hour, just sitting there quietly. Guess they figured if they made active kids sit still, they wouldn't do the wrong thing again so that they could go and play and stuff. Didn't really work well with a lot of kids, though. One time in detention, this kid Sam pulled the phone off the wall and tossed it out the door and over the staircase. It was kinda funny the way the teacher reacted, but at the time a little scary that a kid had been able to do something like that. I mean the body has limitations on it for a reason so that we don't hurt ourselves. A child shouldn't have the strength to rip an inbuilt phone out of the wall, tear the cables apart and then toss it 20 feet out a door. That just sounds a little bit too unbelievable, although apparently, as children, we don't have as many receptors that go, 'DON'T DO THIS SHIT, IT WILL HURT'. At least that's what my teacher said in grade 8 science when we were talking about human muscles and stuff. Apparently, if it wasn't for the receptors in our brain, then our jaws would have enough strength in them to tear through a human finger, bone and all. Imagine biting your own finger off. Ouch. If it weren't for the receptors in our bodies and brains, we could be able to do some unbelievable shit. We would be able to lift things that are really heavy way past our limits right up until the point of breaking our arms from the weight, but that would be only without the limitations. I don't understand exactly how it works because I don't understand math or science; I just know what the outcome is afterwards. For example, you grab hydrogen peroxide stuff and some manganese oxide, and some shit happens and something about water and then boom, oxygen. I get the simple shit. I don't know what hydrogen peroxide is or manganese oxide, but I know it's an element on the periodic table, and I'm pretty sure hydrogen peroxide is a liquid. I think. Science hurts my brain. That's why I'm not a genuine. Give me some grammar anytime. I'd do that, but math and science just hurts to look at. Humm... that's gonna be a problem if I do decide to try and be a game designer.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go and take some Panamax or something for my oncoming science-induced headache.

Talk to you later.

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