Day 285

5 1 0

25 September 2018
Tuesday 10:32am

We are inside a store at the moment getting shoes and other things. Nancie and Cory both got a pair of plain runners much to their dismay about the colour choice; we found some socks to so new socks for all as well. Not gonna lie feels great being in a pair of new clean socks. Never thought I would have to miss that feeling. Nate and I both got a good pair of sand shoes as well, though I did consider getting some steal cap boots instead. We found a small section inside the store that had a few things of chocolate, lollies and chips. So as a treat we are resting and eating junk food at the moment. I did pack a few bags of chips into our supply bag as well already and there was a big 24 pack of water bottles which I grabbed some of as well. We are drinking some of the left over's right now to. A full supply is very rare and the smile on the kids face right now is amazing. The kids asked for one of the pillow pets from the toy section each and I don't know what to do. It's a waste of space clearly but something small like that means a lot to kids generally but now days? Even more so. Things like pillow pets give a sense of normalcy so maybe I could let them have one each? Nate told me to decide which is absolutely no help what so ever. Maybe we can have a look I guess and see how big they are, if they aren't to obnoxiously big then I GUESS its okay if they have one each. Though they will have to carry it. Whether it's in their bag or in their arms. If they drop it or forget it we aren't going back for it though. I think that would be a fair call.

Same day 5:52pm

They had big ones and smaller ones and they both went head first into the bigger container until I pulled them out and told them to take one of the smaller ones. Cory chose a Lighting McQueen car pillow while Nancie took a purple unicorn pillow. We are sleeping in an old car tonight, we folded down the back seat to open up to the boot and the kids are sleeping on the folded down seats with their feet in the boot. While Nate and I are in the front. Not sure which in more comfortable honestly, a bathroom floor or a car seat. Though the car seat is definitely more sanitary.

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