Day 248

6 1 0

19 August 2018
Sunday 4:21pm

It's all gone. Everything we were doing the last few weeks is gone. Our little safe haven it was torn apart. We were eating dinner when one of the sound lines went off. Nate said that Josh and Anna were on watch so they would check it out and we didn't have to worry. But I had this gut feeling. Something wasn't right. We had been talking earlier that day about leaving in the next few days because of that one zombie and I had some things packed in bags to start getting ready. Not much though. I was putting the kids to bed when the line went off again. Twice in 30 minutes... I was worried so I had Nathan watch the kids while I went out to check. As soon as I stepped out the door the line went off again. 3 at least 3 zombies. I went to go help Anna and Josh but when I got down the stairs the line went off again, and this time; it didn't stop. Sounds were coming from everywhere and the moans that accompanied were getting louder. I ran back inside and start to pack things while I grabbed the kids. I helped them put their shoes on and grabbed their stuff together. They were getting scared I could tell so I tried to calm them as I packed. I told them it wasn't safe anymore so we had to leave. By then people were screaming outside. When I finished with their stuff I pulled them out into the living room and got them to sit on the couch. I grabbed what I could for myself and some blankets. The camping stuff I had used on the road hadn't really been touched so it was still packed and ready. Nathan had grabbed food and water. While we were packing someone started banging at the door, but it wasn't a person. I went over to the kids and made sure they stayed quiet and eventually the thing left to chase someone else. Once everything was packed Nate held Nancie while I had Cory and we made it outside. We stayed quiet and just ran. Elizabeth was in the tree lines still when we found her she was also leaving. We didn't get out without being seen though. And we didn't get out, without the kids seeing what was going on around us. Bodies of people we had come to know were shredded everywhere; blood spilled on walls and dirt. Windows splattered and shattered. While we were leaving a few followed us and we could only out run them for so long until we had to turn around and take care of them. Everything we had grabbed in our rush was all we had; had we of left sooner we probably would have had more but we have what we need at least.

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