Day 126

5 1 0

20 April 2018
Friday 10:31 am

The swelling is looking better today, it's still discoloured though. I finished another packet of biscuits today. I'm down to 3 bottles of water and a couple of cans of beans. Soon I'm going to have too go looking for more food and water, I'm going to have to find a new place to stay as well. More and more of those things are just wondering around outside the house, there was one in the back yard the s'morning as well. It's starting to get a little colder as autumn continues as well; at least the blankets of these beds were clean enough when I got here. I found a book in the cupboard as well earlier, it's a kids book but it doesn't have a lot of pictures unlike most children's books so I'm gonna give it a read. It will give me something to do.

Same day

There it is again! That barking from yesterday! I thought I had imagined it but I couldn't have because the dog is going off again. It's somewhere on this street nearby, I decided I wouldn't look for though because for all I know it's a stray that doesn't like people...what if it bites me? What if it's infected? Can animals catch this thing going around? Maybe I should steer clear of all animals as well just in case they can. So that book I mentioned earlier it's not half bad for a kids book. It's a simple read but it's very much a pass the time book. How To Be An Apprentice. Catchy name I guess, all about wizards and sorcerers so it something to get my mind off of outside. I don't really like the main character he's too...stupid. And totally dense I wish he would just understand the Qwenith is only there because she likes him no because he owes her for stopping from being burned alive and stuff. Some people are totally clueless. I'm gonna read a bit more before bed.

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