Day 90

8 1 0

15 March 2018
Thursday 10:31am

The girls are all borrowing some of my clothes considering our uniform is not particularly very easy to move in. Even the sports uniform is tight from the belt in the pants. So we're all wearing shorts or leggings, things we can run in easily and shirts with either no sleeves or sleeves that stay tight to the skin. To stop the dead from having more to grab on to.

My parents never came home last night. So we went over to my neighbor's house with the nonperishable foods family had in the cupboard. Some bottles of store bought water we had and batteries and torches. We also grabbed a few sets of clothes to change into and a few other necessity. I managed to bring my phone, a charger and my watch with me. I know it sounds dumb...but how else would my family contact me if they are alive? We were going to ask to borrow my neighbors four wheel drive and even offer to have them come with us, but...Mr and Mrs Hamshion where already dead by the time we came inside.

So we stacked what we could in the car, from what we had brought with us over to their house. Their back yard had a gate connecting to our yard because I use to play with their daughter growing up. She died a long time ago though. Their car is a seven seater but with all the stuff packed into the boot we had to put one of the seats down to stack things on. Olly is in the Passenger seat up front and Nate is driving this time. Jessica is sleeping in the seat behind Nate and Sparky is reading a book called The Zombie Survival Guide. She found it in my room I guess. Though a lot of it is useless. We don't know how this virus spread. So we don't know what things to be careful of so we have to be careful of everything. And the guide doesn't have anything on the type of zombies there could be and which ones we have and what we could do to avoid them better. Just to shoot or stab them in the head. It assumes they are all the same. Anyway Stefan got the middle seat again and is sharing it with Lolly. She hasn't spoken much since everything that happened yesterday. And so that leaves me in the back seat. Away from prying eyes while I write. We have the windows up and the air con turned off and the vents shut because we don't know if this virus is airborne or not. Although. If it was...would we not already be infected like the others? We didn't drink any tap water last night in case it was waterborne...but again we've been drinking the same water all week, wouldn't we already be infected? What's causing it? What happened? First people are dying from the Flu and now people are dying and coming back to life...

Maybe they are connected somehow? Nah. That's stupid. The flu? Turned people into zombies? But they said people who were vaccinated were safe from the...airborne virus, and that it had started to mutate again and spread to those who were immune to it.

Holy shit. Did the flu, create fucking zombies???? I'll talk to Olly about this theory later. He's been pretty level headed since all of this started. That's Olly for you; you can always trust him when you need him most. He's a dick and a flirt and a smart-ass, I can't forget smart-ass; but he's great. He's a great friend.

We decided that we would head over to Olly's place first because for now that was our safest bet and it also had food and water to boot thanks to that weekend extra activity with his family. I kinda wish I had insisted on my family doing what Olly's had done on the weekend...I wonder if they knew something like this would one could know something like this would happen.

Once we set up and check on his family...if anyone is there...we are going to start looking for the others families, but if we don't find them then that's it we aren't going to continue looking for them. We will check each other's houses and that's it. And hopefully get some more supplies while we are there. Who knows how long this thing is going to last for.

Same Day

So when we got to Olly's house we found his oldest sister here. It was the first time I had actually seen him hug her... ever. Even she seemed surprised...even more surprised than she was when she realized it was us coming in the door and not zombies. She had her softball bat ready to bash some brains she worded. After we unpacked everything into the house from the car she had us help finish boarding up the windows...or at least those who stayed. Olly and Nathan went with Sparky and Lolly to go get their families. We are still waiting for them to come back...I hope their okay. I was talking to Rebekah earlier about what would happen when the power got shut off, because whether we liked it or not it would happen. If there's no one to run a power plant or whatever then there would be no power. I wasn't sure what would happen with the water either... but she told me not to worry because their house had a backup generator in the garage and they had a few water tanks on the property as well. She told everyone we would need to be conservative once it all shut off but that we would be fine anyway once it did. I didn't really mind the power shutting off...but the water shutting off would mean that we can't shower...and even though I might have to give that up water...I didn't really want to give it up just yet.

Mum and dad still haven't called... aunties Helen hasn't answered...neither has grandma and grandpa...and they always answer...I'm gonna go help the others with getting the house finished being set up. I hope the others come back soon.

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