Day 362

4 1 0

11 December 2018

There's no way we are getting out of here now. There aren't enough of us to fight back, maybe that was their plan in the beginning. To dwindle us down to only those who can handle the world they wish to rebuild and live in. A world where only the strong in body and mind will survive. Lolly was holding by a thread and her thread snapped. Children can be strong in mind but they are weak in body, there was no way Nancie or Cory were going to survive this rathole of a place. Liz was very kind, and that kindness got her killed.  Sparky...Sparky wasn't fast enough.

I wish none of this ever happened. If we were all going to die anyway one by one, would it have been better if we had never made it out of the school to begin with?

I don't know how much more I can handle.

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