Day 51

10 2 0

4 February 2018

Sunday 12:56 pm

The first movie was a chick-flick... the second movie... was a chick-flick... the last movie... was not a chick-flick, thank god. Lolly brought Mean Girls... an actual decent choice for her; Sparky brought How to Be Single and the unlikely saviour of the night, Nathan, who apparently now comes to these things (to which I found out because he was sitting in my special spot... I'm not bitter about that... don't judge me... you're judging me aren't you Diary?) so he brought Edge of Tomorrow which... is one of my top 20 favourite movies... so after I found out that it was playing I sat quietly in another spot... and kinda glared at him a bit throughout the first two movies. Olly caught on to my pit of envy over my spot and laughed at me, telling me to get over it and enjoy being in his presence next to him on the couch, to which I also glared at him because I wanted my bean bag... yes I claimed it as mine the very first movie night and everyone just went along with it. My bean bag... it was taken from me...

Halfway through How to Be Single, Lolly's phone started to go off because she forgot to put it on silent and whoever was calling... just continued to call over and over again, so we had to stop the movie and let her answer the phone... only to find out it was her mother asking her where the TV remote was and when she was coming home. After she hung up, she put it on silent, and we locked the phones away again; another thing that happened during the transition period between movies was that Nathan was getting stalked by Barbie 2.0; he had 5 missed calls and 23 missed texts from her in the last 2 hours. Stefan laughed and commented on his stalker before asking why he was even going out with her, to which he told us he wasn't. She was just a close friend, and she's always been like this. Apparently, he's known Barbie-Face for a few years now. I pity the poor guy... why does he even hang out with her? I swear the only people who actually like her are the girls trying to be her... and apparently him.

So after the movies were over, it was pretty late, obviously, so everyone stayed over, which usually happens. Sometimes we finish earlier, so it's not too late to get picked up, or for Olly to drop us off (him being the only one with a P-plate), so everyone found their place to sleep, Oliver in his bed, me in the spare room with Sparky, Nathan dibs the couch and Stefan and Lolly where on cushions on the floor, and we went to bed.

I did invite Kena yesterday morning, but she said she couldn't come cause she was babysitting Max last night, so yeah, I kinda wish she could have come but knowing her, would she of even been comfortable being in a room for the night with people she doesn't really know? She's so fridget and timed all the time... she's so cute... like a little puppy or a kitten. Well, I asked; that's all that matters; I tried to include her.

Well, now that I am home again... all the stuff I neglected or just didn't get done last week for school... is now very much the only thing I have time for right now... like my English report that is due next week on Tuesday and other homework stuff. It's only the second month of the year, and there is so much to be done; when they tell you grade 12 is hard, you don't think it's ridiculous like this. I hope it calms down a bit as the year goes; otherwise, by the time I graduate, I'll literally have to be dragged up the front with everyone because I'll just be so physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained. If people look closely enough, I'll probably have one of those little ghost versions of me slipping out of my body like in cartoons and anime and stuff. Hehe, that would be a sight to see. Well, duty calls! Or, well... English calls... see what I did there? Of course, you do.


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