Day 367

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16 December 2018

He's right I forgot what today was. When I opened up my book to write about my shit day of ass kissing up to my uncle, I found his little letter. You have no idea how long I just sat and cried as I read it over and over again. Jess even came over to see if I was okay at one point. When she read it she kinda just put the book down and hugged me. I know we use to be like well I guess you could call it love rivals or something, but now that she's the only female friend I have left. Technically the only friend in general that I have left that I could talk to about this sort of stuff; we've really become very close over the last few days. Regardless of my uncle or her mother we really are starting to be like family. I don't wanna lose her, I don't think I could handle losing anyone else.

Nate always knows what to say at just the right moment. And he said that, he said that he loves me. I hadn't really thought of it but until now we haven't said that to each other or anything. We kinda just knew we meant a lot to each other, but to hear him say it. Or we'll read it, I guess. It's completely different from just assuming I matter to him. And all I could think as I read that letter was, oh my god I love this guy. He's so amazing. I just. God damn it. It's so hard to be depressed when you read shit like that. What am I going to do with him?

I have to go, I have to go see him and tell him I love him so that he knows as well.

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