Day 312

4 1 0

22 October 2018
Monday 12:21pm

I just had the most stupidest and funniest conversation ever with Barbie 2.0. She pulled me off to the side while no one was looking and began interrogating me! How long have you been with Nate! How long have you been together! What is all this family crap with Oliver's brother!? He was mine first! How could you take him from me!

Chill out girl what the hell. She was turning so red from anger I almost just walked away because I couldn't be bothered explaining my life choices to her, but I really didn't like how she referred to Nathan as some kind of object; so I just flat out told her she didn't own him. He was allowed to make his own choices and that it was none of her god damn business what connections the two of us had to Cory. I also may have told her she should start worrying more about herself before she starts worrying about what others are doing. She didn't seem to understand the last part though, and from that she started yelling at me again so that time I did walk away. Sometimes she gets me so mad but then I remember karma is a bitch. So I need to not be an asshat myself but I can't help her being one, that's her own agenda. She needs to just calm the fuck down and be a normal human being for once. Then I'll talk to her.

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