Day 16

19 1 0

31 December 2017

Sunday 11:36 am

So Olly let me sleep in unintentionally... by letting himself sleep in... unintentionally. I say unintentionally because our (well, mostly his) friends will be here soon. And we both need to shower and get ready and stuff, so he's in the shower right now. He woke up, ran into my room and screamed at me 'bitch wake up before I throw you in the pool' before walking out of the room calmly saying 'hottest person showers first' and then proceeded to steal the bathroom. So I will probably have to kill time for at least half an hour before he comes out of there again, maybe even longer. I might even just go back to sleep for a little bit longer... but if he comes out before I wake up, I KNOW he will throw me in the pool. He's just that evil; stuff it. I'm going back to sleep. I'm not gonna get much sleep tonight, so I might as well stock up on my z's now before I have to take charge of drinking teenagers.

9:45 pm

I can't believe Olly. The nerve. The audacity! He called me over to the table he was drinking at with a couple of guys and then proceeded to tell them about how I had all these kinky sex fantasies and then, and then he offered me the last pickled onion, and when I went to grab it HE ATE IT! HOW DARE HE! I'm used to his shenanigans by now, and it's easy to just push them off and say, 'yes, Olly, you're right, Olly, you're drunk as hell Olly' but to offer me a pickled onion, THE LAST pickled onion and then to EAT IT HIMSELF? That's so cruel! He got my hopes up and then smashed them. I wanted that pickled onion!

11:38 pm

People are really getting cray-cray now; Lolly and Stefan have drunk at least 6 bottles of passion pop between the two of them; they are beyond wasted. Sparky has been stealing people's underwear from their bags and throwing them into the dog pen, yes, the dog pen. Where Oliver's aunt's dog Angle (who I can tell you is no angle) has then been chewing them up. Half an hour ago, someone let Angel lose, and he went around stealing people's towels and chewing them up. Oliver has been hitting on almost everyone so far; a few people he would look at and then look them up and down and turn away in disgust. When Olly drinks, he turns into a very snotty-uptight-asshole who thinks he's better than all of them and is the hot shit of the party. I mean, it's not much different from regular Olly, but at least sober Olly has a conscience and doesn't tell people that they are 'too small to ride his roller coaster of fun' before flipping his hair and walking away. I'm not even sure I can handle the amount of 'fun' Olly claims everyone is having. Maybe if I could partake, then I could handle this 'fun', but noooo; I'm allergic to alcohol, and so everyone else can drink, but I cannot. Whenever I drink, I break out in hives; I know technically, at my age, I shouldn't be drinking anyway, but hey? I'm 16. I'm supposed to be a little bit rebellious at some points, I can't just stay an innocent child my whole life, But I guess my being allergic to it keeps me from drinking, at least. I met Olly in the first grade because he stayed down a year. So I'm younger than him by a year. Olly was the one that convinced me that drinking would be alright once in a while when he turned 16, but then I had the allergic reaction and ended up in the hospital. We told my parents that I had touched a hairy caterpillar cause I'm allergic to them as well. They kinda believed me until they smelled Olly, he told them it was just him drinking, but I still don't know if they believed him.

Oh, I gotta go! Be back later.

Hey grly
Fund yo diry dary diary? I luv u!
Lolly was here bitchs!

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