Day 297

6 1 0

7 October 2018
Sunday 10:52am

I found a couple of books in a shelf so the kids are reading at the moment though these books are a lot higher level then what they are use to so they keep having to ask me what some words are and what they mean. Nancie is reading Twilight and Cory is reading The Forest, hopefully neither book is inappropriate.

Nancie just asked what a blood type was, so I had to explain that to her and she asked what the difference was. How should I know what the difference was. I wasn't studying to do blood work things in the future. I just know that some blood types can donate to a different type and some are more rare then other. In Asia they have some that are extremely rare that can only have transfusions from the same blood type. That would really suck. I'm AB positive, I know that. Not sure what that means for me with blood stuff but guess it doesn't really matter now does it. Nate said he's O negative, doesn't that mean he could have donated to anyone? Good to know I guess, if need be I can just grab a tube and shove it in his arm and then shove it into someone else's arm and wallah! Blood transfusions successful! Yeah no I'm gonna guess that's not how that shit works and I'd just end up killing them or something doing that. Why I never wanted to be a doctor. I'm not THAT smart.

Same day 2:43pm
Nancie was asking about Christmas earlier. She wanted to know if they would still get presents like before. I don't think that's even possible. I don't know maybe I can find something small to give them each when it gets closer to that time so they can still get something but, Christmas isn't something that would work well with what's going on. I could probably give them some new clothes? Or a hair cut? Nancie would hate the later, maybe I should stick with some new clothes. That would be something useful. Cory feel asleep at the table while reading, maybe the book was boring? I'm gonna have a quick flip through it.

Same day 4:12pm
I don't know why he's wouldn't enjoy this book, it's about a little girl who is lost in a forest for many years and when she is found and taken back to the city she use to live in things start to happen. Her family finds her and takes her back in but quickly notice she can talk to animals now and understand what they say. I'm only a few chapters in but I kinda wanna know what happens, I wonder if she ever goes back to the forest. I think I'm going to keep this book.

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