Day 310

4 1 0

20 October 2018
Saturday 11:38am

It been almost a week now since finding every one and we have really started to settle back into the group again. Though it is still painfully obvious that the three of us have our own little bond that the others don't all seem to have. They do have a bond from being together for so long but it's not the same. Theirs is more of a community bond while we created our own little family ties. Cory spends most of his nights with Nate and I but we have got him staying with Oliver now as well. I don't think it's that he doesn't love Olly as much as us, it's just that he spent so many months not knowing if Olly was gone and he livid with us for so long; he depended on us. He needs to learn that he can depend on Olly again now that he's here. Though I somehow get the feeling that Olly doesn't always mind if Cory stays with us... him and Seb share a room so...I'll just leave it up to your imagination what they probably do.

Cory is down stairs with Sparky and Lolly teaching them Zombie and Human. I'm surprised after what recently happened he's actually playing that game again. Even though he became so depressed, and he still suffers from it when he's left to his thoughts; he's starting go back to acting how he was before we lost Nancie. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or means he's getting use to death; but should he? Should an 8 year old be able to turn around after losing his sister and go back to acting like nothing happened. Almost like she was never there in the first place. Like she just fell out of place with the world now that she's not here anymore.

Oliver has been complaining since we got here about his hair being blonde again, I can tell there is still some red tips left from where he last cut his hair but I don't see the problem with his hair. It looks fine...Nancies hair was that same pale colour as his is now. Cory more so taking after his mum's dark hair rather than his dads light hair like Oliver and Nancie. Those two were the only two of the six siblings to take after their dad. Cory, Rebekah, Jaccie and Gavin all had dark hair. All though Olly was the only one with green eyes, everyone else's was either bright blue or brown. Apparently Oliver got his green eyes from his grandmother. Sparky's hair had also grown out back to brown, though she didn't care as much considering everything going on. I think she's just happy to be alive at the moment; Lolly seems to have adjusted much better to the circumstances. Last time I saw her she wasn't coping so well, but now she was up and being more productive with the lot life gave her and I think that may be mainly because Stefan is here with her. He has become much more of a rock for her to stand on, metaphorically of course; then what he use to be. He really hasn't changed much he's still his usual self and I think that's why Lolly has really pulled through. And Jessica is...well...she's still Barbie 2.0. Doesn't wanna get her hands dirty but doesn't wanna be excluded from anything. She really needs to pick a team though, does she wanna get left behind for the Zom-nom's or does she wanna help out? It's her choice. Okay so we wouldn't actually leave her behind, more so I wouldn't can't speak for anyone else; but she should at least help out and pull her own weight. One thing I did notice is that her hair is very short. Almost in a pixie cut. When I asked Sparky what happened she told me something grabbed her once while they were looking for resources and it pulled her hair. She wasn't happy to have to cut it but she didn't want to be grabbed again either.
Oh it's my turn for watch gotta go.

Cory just said the cutest thing! He grabbed a hat off Olly and said "I'll go on watch too then!" That's my boy!

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