Day 339

4 1 0

18 November 2018
Sunday 2:54pm

Cory and I have spent most of our time in bed. He's still not very well. He's been getting up more though at least, but he still spends more of his time asleep recovering. Nathan looked after him while I was suffering from sun stroke thank god. Everyone else seems to be recovering quickly as well from the heat and dehydration. I'm surprised more people didn't get sun stroke in the end. We were all in the sun for the same amount of time. Maybe it was because we all drank different amounts of water? Would that have an effect? I was sharing my portion with Cory so he had extra. I'd say it was a poor choice but it was probably the only reason he was able to make it through. His body was shutting down much quicker than ours were. I haven't left this room in 2 days. Our food and water is in here so we haven't needed to leave. It's not like we've needed to go to the bathroom either. Dehydration does that to you. I make sure that Cory at least walks around the room while he's awake so that he keeps his body moving.

Nathan, Olly and Sebastian left earlier today to look for more water and food. I hope they come back soon. And I hope they find what we need. Cory is waking up. Later.

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